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She's about to get scared away-what should I do tonight

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I've been seeing this girl for about 2 months and things were going perfect. About two weeks after we started dating she would TM saying she's falling for me, and she was thinking about me all day, and she would ask if we could have a sleepover. It was going so great, that was until about two weeks ago. She started to withdraw a little bit.


This last week was really bad, I didn't see her at all, we usually see each other 2-3 times a week(1 of which she spends the night). Wednesday night I asked her about why she's been so weird. We talked about what she was feeling and she said she's scared to get hurt again(really bad break up). -Is she getting scared because she's really falling in Love or because she just isn't interested anymore. I'm going to see her tonight. Should I bring this up again or just back off and let her bring it up?

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I'm thinking about telling her tonight that I really like her and that I'm falling for her. Then tell her if she needs me to I'll back off and give her all the room she needs because she's worth waiting for. Do you think this would be a good idea or would this scare her even more? Why do things have to be do complicated????

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Originally posted by johndoe

I'm thinking about telling her tonight that I really like her and that I'm falling for her. Then tell her if she needs me to I'll back off and give her all the room she needs because she's worth waiting for.


To me, this sounds like a ploy. It's like you are saying "look how gracious and caring I am". Let your actions speak for themselves. You don't need to draw her a picture here.


I think it might be better for you to say "Look, I understand your fears. If you want to take things slow or back off a little bit that's fine. I want you to feel comfortable with this."

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I would suggest trying to find out if she is really into you. I like DD's suggestion. Play it cool and if she really is into you, she will come around when she's ready.

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