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Do You See What I See?

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Keep going Hero.


You are doing great.


Let her stew. She really needs to.


I don't find this a mature approach to grown up problems. Couples need to talk. Avoiding the problem or letting the other person become more and more frustrated will not lead to good things. Love means you can work together as a couple even when the one part has screwed up very hard. All the past is not forgotten and disregarded with one (huge of course) mistake. This couple needs to talk, let her explain her actions, exchange feelings, understand each other and go from there.

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Hero, I would like to reiterate my advice to you as given in a previous post to consider divorce and then letting your WW woo you, doing the so called 'Heavy lifting' before you consider getting back with her. This is because she must suffer the consequences of her infidelity and disrespect towards you, and also to get some seperation from the pain of this event and also to eliminate the baggage that would tag along if tried a simple reconciliation. It would also give you the opportunity to date other eligible women to help you mske up your mind about your wife vis a vis others. That would also provide the propet perspective both for you and your wife. For you it would give a glimpse of what it could be like with someone else and for her it would reinforce the reality of what she stands to lose/ has lost. Take your time and think about it. Cheers!

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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Hero, I would like to reiterate my advice to you as given in a previous post to consider divorce and then letting your WW woo you, doing the so called 'Heavy lifting' before you consider getting back with her. This is because she must suffer the consequences of her infidelity and disrespect towards you, and also to get some seperation from the pain of this event and also to eliminate the baggage that would tag along if tried a simple reconciliation. It would also give you the opportunity to date other eligible women to help you mske up your mind about your wife vis a vis others. That would also provide the propet perspective both for you and your wife. For you it would give a glimpse of what it could be like with someone else and for her it would reinforce the reality of what she stands to lose/ has lost. Take your time and think about it. Cheers!
Agree. This is the only thing that will convince her, but you don't do it for her. You do it for yourself. Whether she comes around or not, you need to take care of you. Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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The question for OP is this: Is the woman who did this to me the woman I married or has she crossed the line and put herself in this world without knowing where it was going. Once inside a certain phase of EA, it is too late to turn back because the desire to do so is too strong. Does she have a history of bailing on her primary relationship everytime something new and exciting comes along, a history of playing with the boundaries with other men, or is she the kind of spouse who always believed in "love until death do us part" but suddenly 10 years in, found herself crossing boundaries she never dreamed of doing, and would have been devastated thinking her own spouse would do. No description of a wayward is able to express fully this spectrum. People perhaps fall between the two opposites somewhere, but most people get it: Either this was a fall, or this is a pattern.


When my WW was telling her confidant about wanting to move from an EA to a PA with her AP, her confidant asked her: "Are you prepared to lose your husband and family for this?" and her response was "I'm not prepared to lose AP".


This is how cheaters think. They deliberately do NOT answer the question that would have them STOP what they are doing. Of course they cannot: to do so would END the infidelity immediately.


And the primary source for getting into the deeper issues of an infidelity, to better understand what was going on, what will pass, what will not pass and will remain forever, is through an open and honest discussion between the WS and BS. The answers are not all there, but the groundwork needs to begin there if it is answers you seek, and you want to move forward from this (either alone or together).

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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My H had an affair more than five years ago, and we were able to reconcile and move on. While only you can decide for yourself what to do next, if I had been in your shoes, I couldn't have reconciled because I don't think I would have been able to forgive the complete and utter disrespect and lack of empathy she showed you.


I know it could be argued that having an A was the ultimate form of disrespecting someone, but in your case, it wasn't just lies of omission, she lied right to your face, with zero problems and zero hesitation when you ran in to her at lunch. She then took her ability to hide what she was doing, and your inability to see it, and used that to further disrespect you by calling you an insulting name.


Add to that she was willing to risk having you find out ( inappropriate photos taken in the pool, flirting in front of coworkers at the hotel, fighting with OM in the hall) and she is either totally out of touch with reality or she didn't care too much if you found out.


Based on what you say of her and her love of romance novels, she is one who is heavily drawn to a fantasy life and escapism. That's not an easy habit to break. She also sounds as if she was spoiled as a child, and developed the idea that he needs always come first. Again, a hard habit to break.


In the end, you need to figure out if you can ever trust her again, and also if you will ever be able to separate her form the A. If you can't, it's not fair to either one of you to stay together.




I did not see much reason to like this thread for the disrespectful behavior that was mentioned was just standard WS behavior during an affair.

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Are you thinking of a similar story where the wife seemed innocent because she left her phone lying around but then ended up having a second phone? I thought that story was on this site, but I could be wrong.


Uh, a WW having a second phone is not unique, rare, special, though it can best be noted that a WW having a second phone to be quite common.

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It's often stated that the cheating wife is ultra pretty... Causing many to want to reconcile due to looks.


It's more to do with a person not having a conscience - to which you can't force any person to grow a conscience.



There's a big difference between a person who's sorry they did it and sorry they got caught.


I see his wife as the latter.




There are WW's that are both. It is not one or the other.

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