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He's married but I love him no matter what.


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Guess you were looking for cheerleaders, because I am not sure what advice you are looking for.


You are in "Disneyland" and nothing snyone says is going to get you out of it.


Sure, he loves you.


He loves you enough to use you for sex whenever he can get free

He Loves you enough to leave you sitting there on Holidays and special days by yourself while he is with his wife

He loves you enough to take her and his kids on vacation while you sit there by yourself

He loves you enough to be as happy as a larkl while you turn your back on "normal" relationships with decent men who may be interested in you

And he loves you enough that years from now you'll be on a forum like this wondering what the hell happened to all the time of the best years of your life you wasted being someone play toy.


I hope the above sounds great to you. Enjoy his love and the sneaking around.


Hopefully you will come out of your silly fog and see that your prince charming is playing you like a fiddle.

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OP, please consider seeing a therapist to check for depression or other fixable issues. An ordinary non-depressed person who had hope would never settle for the situation you're in. Please listen to all of us, we KNOW this relationship is dangerous and destructive for you and despite some roughish words from some, we all want the best for you, which is to end this A and start living an authentic life.

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Sad, when an OP hits once, and runs. I suspect it's because we've all told her the things she doesn't want to hear - or face..... :(

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What you have is not special, no matter how much you think it is. Read the OW/OM section. I did. It's all the same. I thought what I had was different. His wife found out and guess what? That was the last I heard from him.


You also need to be more realistic about it. He either wants you or he doesn't. You saying he seems like the happiest man in the world with his two kids makes no sense. By all means accept how you feel about him but do be realistic about it.


End it now before you all get hurt more than you already will be. At least if you end it now you do right by his wife and maybe she doesn't have to go through the pain of finding out the wrong (I know there's not a right way but forgive me for the phrase) way.

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There's a The Other Man / Other Woman section to Loveshack. An adamant unapologetic adulterer (or would-be adulterer) posts in the Infidelity section (which is populated primary by those who've experienced the major suck of infidelity) and no one thinks it's a troll? One of these pops up every now and then in Infidelity for no other reason than to get reactions. Don't Feed The Trolls!!

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Maybe the OP is a 14 year old girl that is dreaming and fantasying about one of the singers on the ONE DIRECTION pop group. It is hard to believe that a mature woman would think like that.

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I really believe your in a fantasy at this point. I know how you feel....been there. At some point believe me the fog will lift. You'll someday figure out his lies. Believe me...he lives a lie everyday with his wife. Please don't believe he isn't lying to you also.


You'll get sick of being last in his life. Being used for whatever is missing at home. You'll spend holidays alone without him as he celebrates with HIM family. It will eventually tear you up knowing he is crawling into bed each night with his wife...not you. Please let the fog lift and get out asap. Spare yourself future pain

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