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my girlfriend has just told me that she pulled somebody else at university. she has told me that they didnt have sex, but just kissed. we have been together for 2 1/2 yrs. the problem is i dont know what to do because i love her, and she has told me that it wont happen again, but what do i do?

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You wrote:


"my girlfriend has just told me that she pulled


somebody else at university."


What does "pulled" mean? I first assumed that it meant 'sex'...but you went on to say that all your g/f did was kiss another guy, and NO sex.


So if all she did was kiss another guy, best to sit down and have a good heart to heart talk with her......find out WHY she did this. Was it something impulsive? Does she have the hots for this guy? Is she finding your relationship a little dull? Was she trying to make you jealous?


I wouldn't dump her over it, but if she's going to make a habit out of sharing her kisses with other guys, might be time to re-evaluate the relationship.



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Well, at least she doesn't push people around.


Doesn't make any difference if you love her or not. If she feels a desire to pull and kiss other people at her university, you have to show her the greatest love of all by letter her go.


If not, the trust you have for her will quickly erode and you'll never get it back.

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Thanks for you help Laurynn. She went out nightclubbing, and got really drunk and her and her friends went back to some guys dorm when they got home at 3.30am, and they all left her their, and she said that it just happened and that it didnt mean anything at all. so what do you think i should do.



You wrote: "my girlfriend has just told me that she pulled somebody else at university." What does "pulled" mean? I first assumed that it meant 'sex'...but you went on to say that all your g/f did was kiss another guy, and NO sex. So if all she did was kiss another guy, best to sit down and have a good heart to heart talk with her......find out WHY she did this. Was it something impulsive? Does she have the hots for this guy? Is she finding your relationship a little dull? Was she trying to make you jealous? I wouldn't dump her over it, but if she's going to make a habit out of sharing her kisses with other guys, might be time to re-evaluate the relationship. Laurynn
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In the contest of the above post, it sounds like "pulled" means having sexual intercourse.


What do you think about this guy whose girlfriend stays back, lets all of her other girlfriends leave without her, and gets "pulled"? But of course, as he posted above, it didn't really mean anything...except that she stayed back so it could happen???

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