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calling ex-boyfriend on his birthday???

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I am married and am wondering if it would be wrong to call up my ex boyfriend and wish him a Happy Birthday. He just moved back into town a few months ago.


We did not remain friends afterwards but we have mutual friends and we have bumped into each other and have said hello.


I just want to be nice and wish him a good birthday...


Will it be wrong of me to call him? ( i got his number through a friend)?

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Personally.....if I was in a deeply committed relationship...dating, living with someone...married, I wouldn't. But then, if you're looking for trouble, hey go ahead. If you do plan on doing it though..be sure your husband is fully aware that you want nothing to do with this ex......which he maybe confused by calling him on his birthday......I dunno, to each is own.

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Sal Paradise
Originally posted by tiffanyamber

I am married and am wondering if it would be wrong to call up my ex boyfriend and wish him a Happy Birthday. He just moved back into town a few months ago.


We did not remain friends afterwards but we have mutual friends and we have bumped into each other and have said hello.


I just want to be nice and wish him a good birthday...


Will it be wrong of me to call him? ( i got his number through a friend)?


There's no real reason to do this. Think of it this way. Whats the best that can come out of this? He says thank you and you two become friendly again. Do you really want that? Do you know how much pain that could potentially cause your husband? How would you feel if he called an ex to wish her a happy birthday? Now ask yourself whats the worst that could happen? You cause unneeded grief for your husband. Grief that could be avoided by letting it be. He's an ex, he's your past, leave him there.


Perhaps you should ask yourself why you're doing this. Sounds like you're trying to find a legit reason to get in contact with him so you can rationalize it. Are you sure you don't still have unreasolved emotions and feelings for him? Let it be, don't go there. You never know what you're getting yourself into and what road this may go down. Why screw up a good thing?


What is it with women and their ex's......

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Call? Big no-no!


If you had his email, stayed in touch and had a cordial relationship, you could have sent him a nice electronic B card. Since it's not the case, I say "forget about it!"

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Nope. You werent friends for a reason afterwards. Marrage getting boring and you need some drama back in your life? Read a book.

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