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Work Question

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OK, this isn't at all a question about love, but what the hell, heh? There's alot of intelligent conversation going on here.


I've been planning a major career change for some time now. I have a few companies lined up, but probably won't be hired for some short, but as-of-yet indefinite amount of time. Lots of companies are just waiting for their hiring freezes to get lifted.


I'm basically incredibly sick of my current job. My manager has a serious personal thing with me, and frankly, I'm afraid that he may be working to have me fired over something stupid the next time I'm 3 minutes late, or whatever. I'll spare you the details, but basically I have to leave this place of employment ASAP, because of the nature of my relationship with this guy.


I went to my psychologist, told him all then CRAP this guy has been giving me, and he got real pissed. He saw that I was pretty bent out of shape over the whole deal, and said he'd write a letter to the company saying I have post-traumatic stress problems due to this guy's interactions with me...work-related stress, in a nutshell. I'm planning on calling in sick tomorrow, and then going to my shrink's office to get that letter early in the morning...and then taking it to work, bringing it to human resources.


I'm only going to do this for a few weeks, It's not in my character to do this sort of thing, but this SCHMUCK greatly misconstrued things to keep me from getting my bonus this year.


Any suggestions, advice...am I going about this the wrong way? Do they have to pay me if it was work related stress, documented by a doctor? I just need some advice.





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hi paulie,


i obviously don't know the full story of what's happened between you and your manager, but i found this site that you might want to look up:




i have no idea if it is a good site or not. it was a link i found, and i think it might be a uk site. i hope it helps anyway paulie.


just remmeber paulie, if things don't work out and worst comes to worst and you do get fired, you could always file an unfair dismissal claim or a constructive dismissal claim. you must confront human resources about this problem. if it did happen to go to court, the fact that you have alerted human resources to your problem will be a vital factor, along with the letter from your doctor and possibly anything that other members of staff may have witnessed.


in the meantime, try your hardest to keep your cool around this manager. i know what it is like to be under a huge amounts of stress inflicted by people who are higher in the office heirarchy, but you want to be the one to able to handle this with a bit of dignity and grace, because it doesn't sound as though your manager is capable of it. there's also every chance that this manager has had other complaints put in about him previously. you never know. but do stand your ground in a firm, but diplomatic way with this manager, and in a way that won't jeopardise your future. that is very important to leave the company on amicable terms.


also, try contacting the department of industrial relations (or equivalent) in your state and speak to someone with legal knowledge who can give you advice. it would be best to know where you stand and what your options are, just in case anything happens. also, try and handle this as calmly as you can, because when you do leave this job, a reference is going to be very important. try not to upset the apple cart too much (i know it is so much easier said than done in situations like this).


i hope this all works out for you, paulie. sorry to hear it's getting you down so much (and go and get a massage or go away for the weekend to unwind and relax).


:) :)

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All your life, there will always be one butthole in the workplace who will screw things up for you. If your life at work is humming along really well, believe me when I tell you the jerk is on his way to being employed by your firm and will likely become your supervisor.


This kind of harrassment is addressed by law. If workmen's comp doctors agree that you are suffering from work related stress, you may have some benefits coming. But I feel this is more of a civil matter.


I think a visit to an attorney is in order. Once you show your employer you're not screwing around, you might get a whole lot more respect and a whole lot more peace at the office.


The threat of a million dollar lawsuit always has an effect on companies. Have your attorney write them a demand letter to have your supervisor act more professional. Make sure it contains specific days, times and details of his conduct.

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