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Does my ex girlfriend still wants to get back together?

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My girlfriend broke up with me. Since then i am not talking to her much one on one. But we had some talk on mutual groups on whatsapp and she answered a bit rudely everytime.


Yesterday she sent me this text


"Hi listen.... I'm sorry for being rude... I didn't meant it...I was just trying to pull ur leg... No hard feelings... Tc enjoy...!"


What should i take this as?


Is she still posibly interested in me?

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No. Bounce her. Stop talking to her, she doesn't care about you in the way you want her to care. You'll never change that, so out with the old, in with the new.


If speaking with her or knowing about her bothers you, or makes you obsess, then block her. Make it next to impossible for her to get in touch with you, and make it next to impossible for you to learn about her.


When you feel like that, like you're missing something, the quickest way to see that you're not is to eliminate that person from your life. Who cares what she thinks? She's made her choice, now she has to live with it, and believe me when I tell you that she will, no problem. You have to do the same.

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