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A Form of Teasing?


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I just started working at this store as a sales associate and anyways you have to walk around the store with these headphone/walky talky things on. anyways, it was time for my break so i went to the employee room to put my headphone thing back. when i walked in, one of the guys who works there (a cute one) was sitting in a chair and had his legs stretched out and so he was blocking my way and i couldn't put the stupid headphones back. i asked him really nicely if he could please move his feet but he was just like "no." and i was already in not such a good mood and i found his behavior so rude and immature that i got pissed and told him "fine, just put it (the headphone) back yourself" and then i proceeded to throw the headphone in his lap.


anyways, later my friends were asking how my new job was and i told them that there was this cute guy there but that he was so annoying and i told them what happened and they thought he was teasing and flirting. personally, i disagree, what do you guys think?

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He sounds like a jerk to me...but, everyday I hear of new ways of flirting. Maybe all the guys who women think are jerks are just guys who flirt. Go figure.


I really don't think blocking you from doing your job is flirting unless he was smiling as he did it.

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