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Where do I go from here....just need some perspective.

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Originally posted by chaos70

Well, I learned a valuable lesson last night. NC is the best policy.

I'll leave it that.


lol atleast you still have a sense of humour :) They tell me it's the best thing to have at times like these.

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Well, that and she still doesn't know that I got hired by "big dawg"...while I silently listened to her put her foot in the mouth that I'm living a dream that they would never hire me. :laugh:

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Ouch lol :) Congratulations on getting the job, AND sticking it to the stbxw :) No need to tell her, just enjoy the fact that she doesnt know jack.


My stbxh told me that I was a horrible person and all I do is take from the universe. Needless to say, I havent received so much generosity from complete strangers in my entire life. I think there is such a thing as karma lol :)

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Sal Paradise
Originally posted by chaos70

Well, that and she still doesn't know that I got hired by "big dawg"...while I silently listened to her put her foot in the mouth that I'm living a dream that they would never hire me. :laugh:


CONGRATS on the Job!!! :)


Oh when she finds out I'd love to see the look on her pathetic face. :p


Yeah you should stick to NC, its not easy but its for the best. She'll just find a way to wiggle into your life and drag you down with her. She deserves to lie in the bed she made for herself. Just make sure it isn't you who lies with her ;) .


Good luck and keep us updated!

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I thought I'd update those keeping score at home....

It's been a very turbulent road and today being a particularly tough one since it was our anniversary. About a month ago, I finally found a piece of inner peace to start moving on. I realized that I have to stop thinking about the whole thing and just focus on the here and now. Work is going great, and I have a slight spring in my step as a result.


Then last Friday as I picked up the last of my mail and car payment information from her, she started to cry that she was lonely and wanted a hug. I hugged her and left. What was interesting that it didn't have an effect on me until today. Even went on my first date since the S that same day. This woman had asked me out, and I just couldn't find any reason not to accept. Very nice 3 hour conversation over a great dinner. And she is very interested in another date this weekend.


However today, I've been watching a little inner war happening between my head and heart. My head knows it just isn't my own interests to go back to that type of relationship with stbxw. My heart wants nothing more to hold her in my arms. I debated back and forth today about sending something to her like a sunflower. In the end, I just opted to go home and give into the sadness for a bit to just get it out of my system.


Things definitely have helped doing the counseling thing, that got me to find that inner peace. But I have a feeling that have a long way to go before I lose this heartache. Yes, time will make it go away...but for the present, it sure sucks ass.

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Don't know, don't care. Or that's the way I see it now. She did the dealbreaker and I've vowed to myself I will not look back.


Good news, going out on second date now.

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