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I want more of his time HELP

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i am 28 and my boryfriend is 29, we have been going out a year. How much of your spare time would you spend with your partner?. I am soo confused as he has so many other commitments such as running, a serious job(works late) and a group of guy friends which he must see at least one of them every couple of days. Am I being greedy or unrealistic asking to see him every night and 4 or 5 out of seven on our own? HELP, we are about to break up over it

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He should want to be with you at least two or three nights a week, with one of those being a weekend. Also, a guy usually wants to spend some day time with his girl on the weekends. I do think every night is a little much.


People usually make time for those they desire to see. You shouldn't have to force a guy to see you more often. If he doesn't seem to want to make more time for you, that means the desire is not there. It may hurt to admit this but you may have the wrong guy.


Now, just because he doesn't see you often doesn't mean he doesn't deeply care for you. However, that means nothing. If you don't feel special to him then you can't really remain in the relationship.


Without nagging, just let him know how you feel about this...and if it doesn't change, there are lots of guys who will give you their time freely and willingly because they want to be with you.


Just don't be too unreasonable and demanding. There is a limit.

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