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Re: I need input...........

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If there are actually jobs he can do without putting himself through pain or putting himself in any harm, I certainly think he ought to be looking. Usually in workmen's comp cases, a doctor will release someone to work to some degree as soon as he is able. They don't let you recuperate one more day than you have to.


You are right. If he can't go out and get some sort of income producing job, at least part time, if he is in fact able...then something is wrong.


Now, it is possible that if he may not be able to get certain types of jobs until the doctor releases him, otherwise he would be ineligible for further workmen's comp if he got injured again so employers wouldn't hire him.


So it's going to be up to you to see just how much of this is laziness and how much of it is created by actual injuries and logisitical problems. Talk to his doctor about the prognosis and what he is capable of doing now. See what all the extenuating circumstances are before you jump to any conclusions.


I promise you...the insurance companies do not let people stay on workmen's comp a minute more than is necessary.


You can't let this go on. If you continue to feel used, you will get bitter and the relationship will end.

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