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ren's ex seeks revenge

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After the break-off, my ex-colleague's bf, out of revenge, sent mallicious email (revealing my ex-colleague's ugly past) to her company's general enquiry email account. Rumours spread around and she felt hurt and shameful. I am not sure how to make her feel better.


Do you guys think this man is mad?


What should my gf do now?

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She will need to draw on the very depths of what strength she has and go to work as usual. Keep to herself, do her job, stay strictly professional and then go home at the end of the day to recuperate. The next day, she will have to get up and do the same. Its an enforced version of 'normal' in what is a surreal time for her. With time, it will blow over like all 'scandals' do.


Just give her a good ear to listen and a good shoulder to cry on. Its going to be rough for her for a while.


As for the ex - I think that what he did speaks more about his character, than hers and I'm sure more than a few people at her work see it that way.

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Wow... that sounds a bit like my situation, but from a different perspective as you'll see.


My ex-wife and I separated in late 2003 after she finally came clean to having been a serial cheat for most of the marriage. Quite a few people knew about her by this point, but they were mostly friends of mine. Some of them, long story short, had known about it before I did (a few had confronted her with it and told her to stop screwing around or they'd tell me).


Anyway, about a month after the separation, somebody sent an anonymous email to a ton of people she knew (more than a hundred), telling them that she was a serial cheat. I have no idea who sent it. I do know anecdotally that there were people out there who didn't like her, so it was probably one of them. It never came to light who did it. And honest to god, it wasn't me. Naturally however, I was the first recipient of a phone call from her that day when the email got circulated.


Needless to say, it messed her up pretty badly. I don't pay very much attention to her life at this point so I don't know if she recovered from it totally, or if she's still dealing with repercussions. But, she still has a job, still seems to have friends, and has a BF who knows all of this. I expect that she had to do largely what Lucrezia recommended your friend do: just go to work each day, withdraw somewhat, keep going, and wait for it all to blow over. And, I suppose, take comfort in the saying, "this too shall pass."

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