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Ending An Extra-Marital Affair

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I have been married for 15 years. I recently began an affair with a married man. I know my behaviour is wrong and want to end this affair. How can I end this affair with the other man? I don't want to hurt him but I know I should stop this cheating. Any advice welcome. Thank you.

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So why are you so concerned about his feelings??? You are married...he is married. You both entered into this knowing each other is, well sort of, in a committed relationship.


Affairs are not meant to last forever, usually. Just tell him simply that you no longer feel comfortable in this arrangement and you want it to cease. In the case of an affair, I don't think it's necessary to do this in person...but I certainly wouldn't do it in writing or email.


A quick, total break off is what is required here. He's can deal with his pain, if there's any. If he's big enough for an affair, he's big enough to deal with its ending.

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