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Is This For Real??


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Perhaps this belongs in the vent section, nonetheless....


My exH called me tonight and complained about his new wife...speechless. Said nothing.


My exMM called me tonight and said (once again) he is "moving out." I hung up on him.


My exBF called tonight and asked me why I didn't call on his birthday. I reminded him we were no longer a couple and not communicating as friends.


When it rains it pours. I'd like it to rain good things. OK, thanks.. Goodnight.

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Perhaps this belongs in the vent section, nonetheless....


My exH called me tonight and complained about his new wife...speechless. Said nothing.


My exMM called me tonight and said (once again) he is "moving out." I hung up on him.


My exBF called tonight and asked me why I didn't call on his birthday. I reminded him we were no longer a couple and not communicating as friends.


When it rains it pours. I'd like it to rain good things. OK, thanks.. Goodnight.


You definitely need some good things and a new guy - I'm happy to give you my recommendation:)

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