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in need of advice. don't know what to do!!!


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Well, to start out I'm only 19 years of age. (I know you're probably thinking what do I need to know about love?)I've almost completed my freshman year in college, and I have been seeing this guy since the beginning of my freshman year.(Just to let you know he's a senior and about to graduate.)At first we started out as friends but eventually friends led to us being a couple. The problem is school is almost coming to an end and I'm so confused on what is going to happen to "us." I know I'm still young and I've got my whole life ahead of me, but I got so attached. I know it's going to hurt like hell if we go our separate ways, just because the year is ending. A lot of people said that he's a senior and only wants one thing, but it's deeper than that. We talk about the future sometimes but lately he just seems so distant like he's starting to push me away now, and believe me this is not easy for me to deal with. I don't know what his reasons for this may be, but my mind keeps wondering if he wants to be with someone else......what should I do? Leave him alone? or Continue what was started?

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i am a good person and so is my girlfriend she had some anger issues that she did not work through in therapy so shre ask me not to call for 2 months.she has anger issuews with her dad but she did not work it out until i camr along and i want to send a card to lr\et her know i am thinking of her she ask for 2 months i keep thinking our relationship is over for good because i have not heard from her yet.

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i am a good person and so is my girlfriend she had some anger issues that she did not work through in therapy so shre ask me not to call for 2 months.she has anger issuews with her dad but she did not work it out until i camr along and i want to send a card to lr\et her know i am thinking of her she ask for 2 months i keep thinking our relationship is over for good because i have not heard from her yet.
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The most important thing you need to do is take some time out to be alone with him and discuss this entire situation. See how he feels. There are always strategies for continuing a healthy relationship, even in the worst of conditions.


You need to tell him exactly how you feel about his recent coldness and seeming behavior of pushing you away. You really need to delve into this and see where his head is at.


If he has a desire to continue the relationship, then together you can map out a plan to keep things going. Simple as that.


If you sense he doesn't want to discuss the issue or be forthright with you, just kiss him goodbye and move on.


But you must have this talk and you must have it soon. You can't keep living with everything up in the air.

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