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!! Need on how to go about this relationship


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Hey guys/girls, I want to ask you all something.


I was dating this girl for 3 years, how we fell in love would be one of the most beautiful love stories ever, it was when we both were 16. we started off strong, we used to talk, eat together, go home together, on reaching home we used to nab our mobile phones and get back to texting each other. That's when we were crazy for each other, months passed by. Love was strong. We started holding hands while traveling, we started kissing each other when there was nobody around, we used to love surprising and hugging each other, we used to get very romantic at night and wish for days like these over and over again. She was one of the most beautiful girl in the city, hence there were a lot of other guys hitting on her, hence possessiveness was strong but she always knew I was the only man for her. A year passed, things were strong but the fights started, but these were some of the best fights ever cause these fights brought us closer to each other, everytime we did it. We used to laugh laugh, talk over night, sleep talking to each other, wake up every morning together all this happened. She was a very beautiful girl, sweet, funny, amazing nature, caring, the type of girl who would be 10000% loyal to her man, she never used to lie, she never used to go out any guy, she rarely used to text any guys either. She often used to tell that once she loves someone she loves them for life. She was a very sensitive girl that was child at heart, she would often trust anyone easily. Another year passed, things were going good and happy, there was strong love. Then in the second year things got a little cranky. She started losing intrest in me, but that was okay, because it's not possible to continously text and talk to each other every single day. But then these days passed and we often had fights and break ups, we had hard times, we had important exams, hence a little focus shifted but we were still together, later when the third year started getting close, she stopped loving me, she said she stopped caring for me and is no longer attracted to me, but even then we always kept meeting, we had our hugs, kissing and private things going. We had a lot and a lot of fights we started breaking up every single day and hence things got very irritating and frustrating for her. But I didn't let this let go of us, I was doing was trying to keep our relationship strong cause we both had agreed for along term relationship. No matter how bad our days were, I would console her saying if we pass this one we would last for life. We did get through them, but she often felt she was being rather forced into this relationship than by her choice. But then things did calm down a little, we started meeting, talking, laughing and all those things. Then came this one day when she met another guy, eventually they started of as just friends, but then he was badly trying on her. She eventually fell for him cause we had a lot of fights, she felt confused. And then when I came to know that she was spending a lot of time with this guy, I asked her to stop cause he was diverting her off this relationship. And when things started to get strong there, I insisted that she stops talking to him. And she promised so. A few weeks later I came to know that she had started going out with this guy, without my knowledge, she would tell this guy that she was single when we were still dating strong. And this showed a lot of scope for the guy. He started hitting on her bad and she started falling for him. She would often lie to me to talk to him and go out with him. When I came to know that I told her and we had a fight and I promised that I would change and she promised that she would not stay in touch with her. But she didn't keep her word. She would still text him and casualy meet him. All this when we were still dating. After these fights I knew it was my fault so I started to do very nice things for her, I used to often drive 25 kms everyday to pick her up and accompany her. I used to give her so many surprises just to make sure she was happy, I used to buy her roses, give her presents, give her compliments and etc etc. She was happy but she was still talking to this guy and meeting him. She would often reply late to my messages and not talk with interest on call. She would call and apologize but still continue the same.This is when I wept cause I would do so much for her but she would still want him. She often forgets that we were dating each other for 3 years and she would agree and trust that guy over me, I knew the guys intentions, I kept telling her everyday. But she wouldn't listen to me. This is when she lost me, she made me angry, I started to feel very bad cause I used to treat her like a princess and she would treat me like a stranger. And that guy would trash talk about me and try to brain wash her. I want to know what should I do now. I really love her a lot, and I can't live to see a day without her. Should I stay strong and keep trying on this relationship further or should I just give up on her cause I deserve better? I want a detailed view of you people on this relationship , I want you people to guide me and tell me how I can maybe make things better. How I can help her? Please comment down below.

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THe worst part is we were dating since 3 years, so its not that easy to let go. + Either sides its very difficult to move on. please over view the relationship and tell me what you think

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