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READ: What *not* to do when your relationship goes down the toilet.....


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Hi folks,


I was sent the link to a website just a bit ago. Unreal. This couple had dated for 8 months, she was 37, him 25. Apparently they had some sort of communication problem. She allegedly ended the relationship. But changed her mind aftewards. She began phoning her ex. Over. And over. Again.


He saved all 53 of her voicemails (!!!) and uploaded them to a website that he created. Let's just say, she's not a very stable woman. Very needy, labile, insecure, manipulative, needing intensive therapy. I listened to the voicemails but I tell you, they were eerily disturbing. I wanted so much to reach out and help this poor tortured woman.


Anyway, listen for yourself:


Click here: "Psychoexgirlfriend" website


On this main page, you'll see a link to the "Voicemails" (MP3 format)...and there's also a Message Board that appears to be hoppin'....


This guy has turned his ended relationship into a money making scheme. He's selling TShirts, Mugs, Mousepads....you have to see it for yourself, too much to explain.


Note: apparently his ex doesn't know about this site yet. I feel sorry for her when she does. Wonder if she could sue him?



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Yes, I posted this link several days ago and many got a real charge out of it. They finally got rid of a lot of those obnoxious pop up advertisements.


My post was made early Thursday morning, before this guy was set to appear on an ABC-TV Good Morning America program.


The girl did not know she was being reported. She is extremely pathetic.


I don't think she can sue him because she was aware she was being recorded. She freely spoke into a recording device. Once a person leaves a recorded message, fully knowing it is being recorded, he/she has no legal recourse in the matter. The person who receives the message is free to play it for anybody he wants to, including the world.


I don't recall that he identified her by full name, so that too reduces her chances of proving any kind of malice.


On the other hand, if you are recorded on the telephone without being advised of such or without a tone every 15 seconds, then there are both criminal and civil penalties provided for in most law in the United States.

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hi laurynn,


i listed to *all 53* of her voice messages the other day, and i was flabbergasted.


i thought a lot of her messages were kind of funny, but then when i got to the message where she was telling him she was going to the hospital because she had hurt herself again, i was totally shocked....and further down the track i listened to the message where she mentioned that he had hurt her physically and couldn't walk for 2 weeks, well, i was shocked again.


even though there are some cringe-worthy moments in these voice recordings, some sad ones and some funny ones, i left that site only thinking, "why the hell do people put themselves through this???". it is just unbelievable. i just can't find the right words to describe that kind of behaviour....insecure...obsessed....needy...weak....immature....sad....


i hope for her sake she doesn't find the site, but i would put my money on it that she has now. it seems to have become pretty popular and the guy appeared on television. i guess we can alwasy wait to see if a message is posted on loveshack by "jo" re "my boyfriend made me the topic of his website".....


i just pray i never meet a guy who leaves me messages like that if i don't want to be with him anymore. but what i want to know is, why didn't he change his number??? maybe after the first few calls he thought, "ah ha! i could do some enterprising here...."


it takes all kinds in this big, wide world of ours.



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(Tony if you're reading this, I had no idea you'd posted this a few days ago...whoops!)


Myself, and a few others (it seems), have questioned the authenticity of the website. Here's my thoughts:


-it's entirely possible that this whole thing was set up, even the voicemails (cuz Lord they are extreme!) as a money-making scheme for Mark, Jill and their pals. This is the first time so far, that anyone's ever done such a thing (post angry voicemails from a disgruntled and distraught "ex"....definitely something that would get people's interest/hold their attention)




-Jill was not a part of this, except that she was baited and provoked into leaving these insane voicemail messages.


You see.....without much digging at all, a few people have found that Mark's domain (psychoexgirlfriend.com) was Registered with Network Solutions on February 15th. According to various interviews he did (one in particular on MSNBC.com), he stated that they'd 'officially broken up on March 11th'.......that being the case, it would appear this site was not in fact, what he claimed, just a silly idea that him and his beer drinking buddies came up with, and threw together in only 4 days.


My thoughts, maybe things weren't going so well in the relationship. Maybe Jill was too needy, due to their 12 yr age difference, maybe she got tired of him 'drinking with the boys' all the time, various things. After a few of her upset messages, him and his pals realized how "funny" they were (the messages)....so they came up with a proposed "get rich quick scheme"....which would be, bait her (Mark doing it) for a few weeks, to get her to leave more messages...they'd start up the site once they had enough of them, etc.


So Mark starts being a real prick to Jill. She can't figure it out. This upsets her, why is the guy being such a dink all of a sudden? Mark's pals are egging HIM on too...probably giving him ideas and suggestion on how to screw with her head, so that she'll leave the best messages.


NOTICE: throughout just about all of her voicemails, she indicates that he's been keeping in contact with her....him calling her, him leaving messages, them seeing each other, him having sent her Flowers (Tulips), etc etc. I figure it's like this. One day he's nice, says he wants to be with her...says they'll do something together, he'll call her later. But he doesn't phone. So she phones him. He ignores her, screens his calls......she becomes more and more upset. Can't understand why he says one thing but does another.


This goes on and on for a few weeks. She's obviously got a self esteem problem, so she keeps putting up with it.......meanwhile, back at the farm (LOL), Mark and his pals are quite pleased with the results......so on Mar 20th, the site goes into existence. As stated by him in an interview, after 1 week, they've had over 750,000 hits to the site. By the next day, they have over 1 million. This is turning out to be more lucrative than they'd ever hoped for. So they keep on selling their TShirts, Mugs, Mousepads....even designing more of them. (you know, for variety for their customers LOL).


If they hadn't officially broken up til Mar 11th, then that would mean he was still in a relationship with her the entire month of Feb..the month where all of these voicemail msg's took place. So the guy is still dating her, but sneaking around and saving all her voicemails. How deceitful, and dirty.


Someone on the board there, today, confronted Mark about this (and some other glaring discrepancies..for instance....he says that SHE had broken up with him.....and he was depressed about it...in one place, he said that he was depressed for a week, and after a week, the site was born........in another interview, he admitted to having been depressed for *3* weeks)........and he immediately appeared on the board, but wouldn't respond with any explanations. IT sure brought him out in a hurry, as well as his buddies who are in this with him. Gee, did the truth hit a nerve?


So, I think the guy and his buddies exploited a needy, insecure woman..baited her.....screwed with her head...all in an attempt to be famous and make some money.


I wish we could find out if she's seen the site (I bet she has).....and if she's okay. If I were her, I'd be out of mind to find my voicemails were on the WWW. I find it strange that at the end of Feb, he stopped posting her voicemails on the site. COme on, she just woke up one day and decided to no longer phone him? I wish we could have an update on her.........she didn't seem to stable before....her suicide threats (which I have a feeling were more for attention and to get him to come over/phone her, than anything else....same with the stuff about her dad having prostate cancer..bet that was false)......hope she's okay though.


If I were her, I'd sue his ass so badly.........he may not have divulged her name..........but anyone who knows him will know about this site.....and they'll know who he's talking about (they did date for 8 months, after all)...........so indirectly, her identity has been exposed. She'll never be able to live this down. Apparently she lives only 4 blocks from him....I'm sure everyone in the neighborhood knows. I feel badly for her.



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...if this is all true and it did all happen, there's no question that he was a real prick to her. while she could have handled it in a much better manner, he was only adding fuel to the fire. he probably knew how she would react and thought it was hilarious. what a butthole.


mark was OBVIOUSLY playing head games with this girl. he was such as the tulips, coming around to talk to her and not listening to her (that is cruel and drives a person into further despair), talking to her during the day....did you also notice how a couple of the messages were cut off, incomplete ones??? hmmm, a bit strange.


on the other hand, i too questioned the authenticity of it all. it did occur to me that maybe this was something arranged between all parties i.e. the "psycho ex-girlfriend" never existed. they asked a girl to pretend to be one, make up some bizarre messages, leave them on a cell phone and make some money out of it.


i was actually confused when i left that site - was it genuine? if so, it's kind of funny. was it serious? if so, i don't know whether to see the funny side of it or feel terrible for this girl who has been mentally screwed by someone who she thought cared for her. that is painful and it is lower than an amoeba to treat someone like that.


your comments on the registration of the site and their "official" time of breaking up was also interesting. it seems a few inconsistencies are being brought to the forefront.


nevertheless, it's one site i won't be forgetting for a while!

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