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Last night must have been one of the worst nights ive had in awhile...i dont get along with females cuz ones i meet and befriend are too petty. so i usually hang with males.. so i have about four buddies i talk to daily, nothing romantic with them and they all know this.


theres one dude that i dont really care for that much because i thought he was normal at first but he turned pyscho on me..well i finally got tired of his threats that if i dont LIKE HIM THAT WAY, that he was going to kill hisself, so i let him be on his way last night...whoa, boy did he let me have it..called me a B, said i wasnt worth nothin, hope i die,etc..anything u can think of he said it... now wit him i aint really let that get me down cause i told him time and time again me and him are just friends, and if i was to like him, he would have to change that kind of outburst about him.


second dude i talk to is a ex from a semi-LDR..its like me and him are bestfriends even though we were lovers before..sometimes me and him talk about getting back together and all that mess..me and him were talking last nite and he decided he wanted to bring up the fact that he's sleeping with this cops wife and some mess, and didnt know what to do, so i gave him some advice on that..and lately he's been callin me his fiancee/wifey, and im like stop playin with me and hes like im serious, all we need to get is the ring now. so i thought of "THAT" when he was telling me about this lady he is messing with, he told me he felt bad not only because she is cheating on her husband, but he felt like he was cheating on me(even thought were not dating now)...so on that note i was like well whats the deal with me and you, bcause im confused..he asked me what i felt and i aid well i dont think we have nothin, but i want to know what you think, and i guess me saying we have nothin "IN MY MIND" made him upset cause then he goes well i dont know..so im like when you do figure it out, then you can call me and hung up on him..he called an hour later said his peace, i replied, guess he didnt like what i had to say, and then just hung up on me and havent called back sense...


so my third friend was suppose to ease my mind...i told him about what happened with bothof them in order to get some insight some words of oh its ok blah blah...but yet i get another DWA...now me and this fellow have been talkin for about 2 and a half weeks and he likes me, but he's possesive and jealous i can see already..so he got mad at me for talking to THEM, even though he knew when he first met me that all of my friends are males..so he put me thru this childish test of, " oh i got me four chicks as well, one here one there, etc" so i was like oh thats cool...he wanted me to get jealous at this, but i played it cool...so we are talking, and because i didnt get jealous about him "BEING FRIENDS" with other chicks, he goes forget it, i dont feel nothing anymore, and then leaves me hanging on the phone.as stephanie tanner says: how ruuuuuuuuuuuude :mad:


so i basically got cursed out by three dudes in one night *shakes head* im just wondering am i that much of a bitch or was it just dudes night to show out...i didnt know dudes was this petty when feelings arent returned, or if you tell them your only friends, or if your brutally honest...geesh

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Ah the trouble of women having guy friends...


You know, there's only been one girl I've truly become friends with without wanting more. It's not impossible, but it is rare. If a girl is good looking and our personalities are that compatible, of course I'm going to start to think about getting closer to her. It's a natural reaction. These guys obviously like you, but, unfortunately, they're just clueless. If you want male friends, go find a gay guy (and don't fall in love with him). These guys have already started to resent you, and they're not going to make very good friends if they're going to get pissed that you're not going to go out with them.

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Originally posted by BrotherAaron

Ah the trouble of women having guy friends...

It's not impossible, but it is rare.

Amen to that...its very rare... yea im actually thinkin of gettin a gay guy friend *wonders where they hide out at*....but then knowin me i would prolly fall for them cuz it would be a challenge to get them you know..for now ima jus hang solo friendwise...and relationships pfffffffft think i might get me a girlfriend :confused:

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