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Anyone Planing to Break no contact for Merry Christmas..?

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Hello everyone. Just wondering if anyone out here is planning to break no contact on Christmas..? Was with ex for 5 years. 6 months no contact. She hasn't got with anyone and still has a pic of me on fb that she has not deleted. I'm the dumpee by the way.







Probably a bad idea and more than likely won't do this, maybe after the holidays. Just want to here your thoughts.

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I'm definitely not breaking no contact. You probably shouldn't either. She broke up with you...so let her come back to you. She has to do the work now if she wants to get back together, not you.

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My Mottos:

1) I'll break my legs before I break No Contact.

2) Give me No Contact or give me death.

3) No Contact we stand, breadcrumbs we fall

4) It is better to have No Contact and Lost, than never to have broken no contact at all

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No, I couldn't care less whether her Christmas is merry or not, as for new year, it's up to her to make it a happy one, its got nothing to do with me, I wouldn't break no contact even if I was on my deathbed so I definitely won't be doing it for made up money grabbing capitalist holidays.

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thank you all for your input! Very much appreciated. I guess I just needed to here it. lol I got a lot of good going my way and must say I agree with you all!

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Knowing my ex and her family, they will probably wish me a merry christmas.

Me and the ex have been on no contact for 4 months (broken up for 9 months after 13 years together) she texted me two months ago, and i didnt reply.

If she says something, should i answer? I will surely answer to her parents.


It just seems wrong to just ignore.

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Knowing my ex and her family, they will probably wish me a merry christmas.

Me and the ex have been on no contact for 4 months (broken up for 9 months after 13 years together) she texted me two months ago, and i didnt reply.

If she says something, should i answer? I will surely answer to her parents.


It just seems wrong to just ignore.


Hmm it's a tricky one. I personally wouldn't reply.


I guess it depends how things ended. There is probably no harm in responding with just a simple 'merry Christmas', as long as it won't set you back if she then doesn't reply. But then if she continues a conversation, you'd have to stay strong and ignore that.

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We ended on good terms, i guess. There was no cheating, abuse ir anything like that. We stayed in limited and very casual and friendly contact for 5 months, met a couple of times because of our dog (which stayed with me), and we never even touched the subject of the breakup since the week after she broke up with me.


I guess i will act on this as i did with the text she sent me two months ago - if its a meaningless message, just to be polite, i will ignore it.


After all we lived together, the amazing connection we had, i cant pretend im ok with being just polite and friendly with her.

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I'm going full out Lexus Xmas commercial on breaking NC!! Showing up, uninvited, brand new $70k car with the big red bow tied around it!!


Might even toss in some Zale's diamonds...haven't decided yet.. ;)

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How do they know if you got the message or not? Just pretend you didn't get the text, e-mail, etc.


I mean, I've had holidays where everyone is texting me and I'm trying to text people that the messages don't come through until like a day or so later....


Also, I don't think that people sit around waiting to see if you respond to their greetings. I sure don't. I just send them out often without putting much thought into them.

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After all we lived together, the amazing connection we had, i cant pretend im ok with being just polite and friendly with her.


It's humiliating to be polite and awkward around one another after sharing a deep intimacy with someone. I think it's best to avoid any contact all together for that reason alone. Two years ago, my ex sent me a Christmas card with him and his son on it, and I texted him to never send anything like that to me again. That was the last time we spoke and the beginning of my NC. It was such a slap in the face to see that card when I had been on the card the previous year.

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Don't and I repeat DON'T contact.


If you are contacted, wait a day or two to reply then send a VERY generic one liner stating happy holidays that asks no questions, and shows no emotion. Then be done. Anything more and you'll regret it.

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Well, my ex didnt send me a text wishing merry christmas. I honestly wasnt expecting that, even though we are in NC for four months, and i ignored the text she sent me two months ago.

However, her mother texted me and my ex texted my mother wishing a merry christmas to all the family.

Should i tell her something? I feel she is affraid of saying something because i ignored her. I still want her back. Maybe this is a good time to reconnect? Maybe i am letting my ego and pride get in the way?

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Well, my ex didnt send me a text wishing merry christmas. I honestly wasnt expecting that, even though we are in NC for four months, and i ignored the text she sent me two months ago.

However, her mother texted me and my ex texted my mother wishing a merry christmas to all the family.

Should i tell her something? I feel she is affraid of saying something because i ignored her. I still want her back. Maybe this is a good time to reconnect? Maybe i am letting my ego and pride get in the way?

I wouldn't.. Her text is just a generic 'merry Xmas'.. Let it go.

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My Mottos:

1) I'll break my legs before I break No Contact.

2) Give me No Contact or give me death.

3) No Contact we stand, breadcrumbs we fall

4) It is better to have No Contact and Lost, than never to have broken no contact at all


This made me laugh out loud. Awesomely clever. Wish I had thought of it.

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No. Though I am hoping the guy I dated most recently contacts me.


I've sent a "happy new year" message in the past, but only because the relationship had ended well, I still missed him (so still maintained a glimmer of hope) and truly did want him to have a great new year. We did end up reconnecting a year or so later, but it didn't last.

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Simon Phoenix
Well, my ex didnt send me a text wishing merry christmas. I honestly wasnt expecting that, even though we are in NC for four months, and i ignored the text she sent me two months ago.

However, her mother texted me and my ex texted my mother wishing a merry christmas to all the family.

Should i tell her something? I feel she is affraid of saying something because i ignored her. I still want her back. Maybe this is a good time to reconnect? Maybe i am letting my ego and pride get in the way?


Dear God this is a horrid idea. She wasn't afraid to break up with you, she's not afraid to wish you Merry Christmas. Please don't be that guy who tries to use a holiday wish to manipulate his way back. It ain't gonna work and it's going to set you back more.


Just. Don't.

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The Holidays are that time when you wish they contact you to rebuff them and boost your ego.


Think about that line of thinking if you debate contacting them in any way shape or form. :)

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No. Whenever I'm tempted to send something, I just try to picture how stupid it would look if she got my text while she's out having fun with some guy. And what's the point? You'll just get a "thanks, you too," or she'll ignore it. (Which might make you feel worse plus you have to start NC all over again)

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