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hooked up with one of my guy friends

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i hooked up with a friend from work. we've been pals for 2 years now but we got drunk twice last week and ended up making out. i feel really bad because it is so awkward now....i feel like he's avoiding me. it was obviously me who wanted to take it farther and I feel stupid contacting him. He contacted me 3 days in a row last week, but all of them were very short and snippy. Maybe he feels it's my turn to contact him...or maybe he's grateful I'm NOT contacting him!


All I know is that I feel like crap...I lost a friend and now maybe put in jeopardy my relationship with a couple of other people. I feel like a joke!

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Hold your head up high girl! what you did with this young man was after work hours right? It's no-one else'e business to comment about what you did.


I think you should call him and arrange to talk to him - outside of work of course and get this straightened out.


Good Luck,



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I agree. You did nothing to be ashamed of. And he did nothing he didn't want to do. (I mean come on, really if you end up there, then both parties wanted something to happen, cause I highly doubt that you were pressuring him to do something you knew he didn't want to) I guess you just got to sit down with him and get everything stright forward. Just tell him no beating around the bush, to tell you what he wants out of this and he doesn't. (So much easier said than done, I know.) good luck!



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Originally posted by OneShyGal

He contacted me 3 days in a row last week, but all of them were very short and snippy. Maybe he feels it's my turn to contact him...


Well...contact him! If I contacted someone 3 times in a row and they never replied, I'd be like "wtf" and I'd start to ignore them.

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