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How common is forgetting things?

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I feel a bit embarassed to ask this, but how common is to forget things? I always took pride in having a great memory, great general knowledge, I usually know the answers to lots of surprise questions... except for these last few months.


I am under a lot of stress, I'm sending out resumes and going to interview / and failing them, obviously. So far, anyway. So it's a lot, I mean a LOT of pressure. when, out of the blue, I forget the PIN code of one of my cards. Last I had used it was three, maybe four weeks ago. It was soooo simple, you wouldn't believe. Well, because it was so simple, I didn't write it down and now I've forgotten it.


I'm scared, this is the last of a serie of not so happy incidents alike... I never take lethicin and I do admit having a problem getting proper sleep. I've improved in that area, however.



IT's like I think of a film and I have the name on the tip of my tongue and yet... blank. It almost always comes back a bit later. Never with numbers. Names, locations, detail, yes. Once i forget a number, hellloooooo forever.


It's making me feel uncomfortable, I'm what you'd call sparking with this type of stuff. Not always, of course, but I've got my moments, when I'm in a good shape. Lately, it doesn't quite happen... at all. I know it's the stress, but do you think that's the only factor?





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I am no doctor but I would venture a guess to say that is is just the stress. Of course the stress of knowing that your stress is causing you phyicall symptoms will only make things worse. I went through the same thing right after my son was born, I was a brand new first time mom, my husband is working unreal hours so I can stay at home and I have no one to get wny help from. Believe me I was stressed!! I lost 3 debit cards in 3 months only to find them in dumb places, I would forget how to work the alarm clock and where the pediatrition was, it still isn't gone but sometimes it seems like it is getting better.


Hang in there! :D

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I have this problem, too. I forget things so much it freaks me out. I figure I just have a lot more information swirling around and I just can't process it all so that it sticks. Often I hear something that gets me thinking, and I'll miss most of what's going on until I'm done. When I was younger, it seemed like I could remember everything that ever happened around me. But I think information was flowing in much more slowly, so that I had time to put things together.


One thing that makes me feel better is that when I get a few days away from the office, I start functioning better. One thing that makes me feel worse is the idea that if I go on like this for too long, it might become permanent.

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I swear to God, it freaked me out big time. I was very agitated, had jogged a bit my nerves out, and I remember standing in front of the atm... and my mind went blank! I did panick, that's for sure.



Oh, well, another card, another day :(!

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It's not the end of the world. Some people do this - especially with numbers.


Stress doesn't help. Also, dieting and jogging may mean that your brain was starved of carbohydrates at that particular moment, so not functioning at peak capacity.

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Thanks, RR, I totally forgot about that. I though I had an early sign of Alhzeimer... sooo frustrating!

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Originally posted by CurlyIam

I though I had an early sign of Alhzeimer... sooo frustrating!


Sweetie, you're way too early for this. Put it down to stress and a shortage of carbohydrates.

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Originally posted by CurlyIam

Thanks, RR, I totally forgot about that. I though I had an early sign of Alzheimer... sooo frustrating!


:laugh: Not trying to make light of the situation, but it's funny.

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Do you take multivitamins? One with zinc and B-complex probably wouldn't hurt.

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Originally posted by LucreziaBorgia

Do you take multivitamins? One with zinc and B-complex probably wouldn't hurt.


Yes. B vitamins are depleted a lot faster when you are under stress. A definciency can contribute to memory problems, concentration problems, fertility issues, irregular periods, fatigue....make sure to take the supplements in the morning because they can make you all energized (at least for me).

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Stress causes memory loss? :confused: COOL! :D


I used to have a good mind. As soon as I graduated High School, however, I got just like my mom. I can't remember anything. I forgot to mail the cable payment out yesterday :( It was due the day before yesterday :(


I'm so freaking attle brained :mad:


I feel your pain, Curly

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I'm hearing from all sorts of reliable sources (ask for links at your peril :p ) that fish oil is great for the brain. No, you don't have to go out and squeeze fishies. Get some caps - the good thing about getting the oil in caps instead of eating the fish is that junk like mercury which is in a lot of fish now gets filtered out of the oil during production.

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Originally posted by moimeme

fish oil is great for the brain.


Get some caps


Provided one remembers to take them... :laugh:

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Originally posted by ReluctantRomeo

Provided one remembers to take them... :laugh:


:mad: I guess you won't be the one reminding me to take em, would ya?


It's very funny, I phoned my friend and I was almost in tears and she tried to be compasionte and all... after she finished laughin :(!


I don't forget dates, I don't forget when I need to pay stuff, I never forget my keys. I forget ... things that I learnt. The name of a famous play, of a saying (in English it's not that obvious), terms of comparison, you know, stuff like that.


Thanks for the tip, I think it's abut time I took some vitamins. I'll check a bit about fish oil, moi, if you don't mind me.

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I think I read something about this, but I forget. ;)


I have a swiss-cheese memory most of the time now, and it IS due to stress. My doc tells me more exercise, more rest and something else I don't remember (honestly).


I take a multi-vitamin/mineral every day and it includes some Vit E fish oil. That stuff they advertise on TV that is supposed to help you focus is loaded with the B vitamins and fish oil from what I hear.


The scariest thing I ever forgot was one time I was driving and I turned a corner at an intersection (thank goodness it was out in the country and there were no other cars around) and I honestly could not remember what side of the road I was supposed to be on! I drove for quite a ways on the wrong side before it finally came home to me which side I should be on! It was scarey as heck! I'm sure that if there had been other traffice I would have realized right away (I would have been forced to) but at the time I honestly could not remember!

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Originally posted by CurlyIam

I guess you won't be the one reminding me to take em, would ya?


I will if you like :) Although I hope this isn't another transparent attempt to get me to come back to your appartment for "coffee and vitamins" :p

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Originally posted by CurlyIam

IT's like I think of a film and I have the name on the tip of my tongue and yet... blank.


"Memento 2" starring CurlyIAm. :D

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Originally posted by ReluctantRomeo

I will if you like :) Although I hope this isn't another transparent attempt to get me to come back to your appartment for "coffee and vitamins" :p


Come back, Romeo? LOL, guys :D :rolleye: :cool:!!!


West, the moment I get a job, I'm taking a PA!

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On a less lighter note, Hokey, I know exactly what you're talking about. It's the simplest, basic things, at times.


The good part is, once I AM gettign that stupid internship, it'll all be over.

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Originally posted by CurlyIam

Come back, Romeo?


See what I mean - you'll try anything ;)

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You got me, Romeo, I'm hooked! Now run fast, I've been to a marriage last weekend, I feel like eloping and having a couple of twins straight away!

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Crap, I forgot what I was going to say. :confused::p


No, honestly, I agree with the others.

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Funny... veeerrrryyyy funny :mad:!!

















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