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How to handle everyday stress better?

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So I have recently had a talk with a guy I recently ended a relationship with. We're fine and we are pretty open with each other . We were talking about why it didn't work and he told me that the way I handled stress made him anxious and was one of the reasons it didn't work. I know it's just a guy saying that, but really I do get detached and distracted when I worry. As in I don't drive as well, I pay less attention to things, or I stress out when I'm suppose to be having fun. I don't work well under pressure at all. Can someone tell me how I can handle this better? I can handle stress when it comes to school, but not everyday things for some reason.

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So I have recently had a talk with a guy I recently ended a relationship with. We're fine and we are pretty open with each other . We were talking about why it didn't work and he told me that the way I handled stress made him anxious and was one of the reasons it didn't work. I know it's just a guy saying that, but really I do get detached and distracted when I worry. As in I don't drive as well, I pay less attention to things, or I stress out when I'm suppose to be having fun. I don't work well under pressure at all. Can someone tell me how I can handle this better? I can handle stress when it comes to school, but not everyday things for some reason.


Many people will relate to this, myself included. For me, I find drinking copious amounts of chamomile tea (for a couple of days a week only) has a very soothing effect on how I handle stress.

I practice meditation with an app on my iphone (it's called Calm) and has worked wonders. Trick is to do it as often as possible though, it's not going to work after a 2 minute session.


In terms of mentally equipping yourself for future scenarios, I would suggest that you try and avoid caffeine which can increase adrenaline production in the body which can make your brain feel like it is spinning! (Hence the usefulness of chamomile).


Consciously focus on the present, literally, within the next 5 minutes of your day. Do not let your mind wander over to future scenes that haven't happened yet.


All in all, be kind to yourself and not harsh. You are a human being and are allowed to feel the peaks and troughs of life as they do invariably happen.


Wishing you well!

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