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No interest in Star Wars is a deal breaker?


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I just watched A New Hope last night, only Star Wars movie I've ever seen. And... I don't really get it. It's a good SciFi movie. But it doesn't push genres or anything... that's why I don't understand how it attracts such a wide audience. I'm a film buff, so I'll watch the other two, and maybe I'll enjoy it some more with further character development.


Lost in Translation and Sideways are two of my favorite movies and I have friends that don't like them and to me it's mind blowing. So I see where you're coming from, but it shouldn't be a deal breaker.

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I just watched A New Hope last night, only Star Wars movie I've ever seen. And... I don't really get it. It's a good SciFi movie. But it doesn't push genres or anything... that's why I don't understand how it attracts such a wide audience. I'm a film buff, so I'll watch the other two, and maybe I'll enjoy it some more with further character development.


The only good SW movies are the first - Star Wars, then Return of the Jedi and The Empire Strikes Back.

They are blissfully dated, funny, used all of the tech they had and are great films!

The last three made (which are the first three - confusing I know!) are dismal - I watched 1.5 of them and even the Star Wars Geeks I know don't like them.

The new one, everyone is hoping we will be back to the original formula..we will see..


On topic:

I don't see how or why this would be a dealbreaker? It is just a set of films, they're fun yeah but unless I am gonna have to take Chewbacca for walkies twice a da then I can't see it overtaking someone's life?

Is it all you watch or talk about OP?

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One of my exes went on about film and music tastes in a break up, I though it was the lamest s h i t I ever heard.


As for Star Wars, how many times can you possibly watch the same few films? I've watched them, I loved them as a child, I have some of them on DVD. The never ones are ok, I saw them too. But now I don't watch them, haven't for a while and not bothered about seeing the new one in the movies.


Why would they feature so heavily in your life or matter if a gf/bf likes them. Unless you are going to spend your whole relationship in costume watching them?


Film / music tastes shouldn't be a big deal.

Edited by Amelie1980
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One of my exes went on about film and music tastes in a break up, I though it was the lamest s h i t I ever heard.


As for Star Wars, how many times can you possibly watch the same few films? I've watched them, I loved them as a child, I have some of them on DVD. The never ones are ok, I saw them too. But now I don't watch them, haven't for a while and not bothered about seeing the new one in the movies.


Why would they feature so heavily in your life or matter if a gf/bf likes them. Unless you are going to spend your whole relationship in costume watching them?


Film / music tastes shouldn't be a big deal.


Man, I think I've seen some on here that it would be a deal breaker for them if they liked a band that they thought sucked.

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Man, I'm getting a ton of people taking selfies of themselves with Milk Duds in hand before the Star Wars sequel starts. LOL And these people aren't really into sci-fi. :laugh:


I saw one person take a picture of an empty movie theater 2 hours before the movie starts, just so they could get good seats.


Some people can get a bit extreme.

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One of my exes went on about film and music tastes in a break up, I though it was the lamest s h i t I ever heard.


As for Star Wars, how many times can you possibly watch the same few films? I've watched them, I loved them as a child, I have some of them on DVD. The never ones are ok, I saw them too. But now I don't watch them, haven't for a while and not bothered about seeing the new one in the movies.


Why would they feature so heavily in your life or matter if a gf/bf likes them. Unless you are going to spend your whole relationship in costume watching them?


Film / music tastes shouldn't be a big deal.


I think the idea is that there are lots of things that you both enjoy, not something that one person is compromising over or is forced to endure.

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I think the idea is that there are lots of things that you both enjoy, not something that one person is compromising over or is forced to endure.


There were lots of things we both enjoyed very much.


He was obsessed with me naming a favorite movie. I dont have one. That was a bog deal to him.

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passion vs obsession.


enjoy passionate folks and avoid obcessed folks.


How to tell the difference? One can be diverse, the other, not so much.


deal breaker due to not being pop cultured? Well golly, that seems discriminating and not in a nice way...

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passion vs obsession.


enjoy passionate folks and avoid obcessed folks.


How to tell the difference? One can be diverse, the other, not so much.


deal breaker due to not being pop cultured? Well golly, that seems discriminating and not in a nice way...


Yeah, I knew of one woman that obsessed over her horses. She said the last boyfriend she dated never got up early in the morning to help her tend to the horses on a Sat. morning.


Of course he worked for a living Mon through Friday, so why should he, right?


I mean he liked her as a person and her personality, but apparently she expected him to participate on her barn at 4 am on a Sat morning.


So in this case it's an lifestyle and not an obssession? Is there a difference there?


People who go "riding" (motorcyles) are in an obsessed class of their own sometimes.

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I/m not a woman. but just the mere thought of some fat middle aged guy getting all jerked off over Star Wars, or dressing up in tights like Spiderman to attend one of those stupid ComicCon trade shows...would make me run to the hills..


I guess there would be some women turned on by that, but I don't know any...



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A guy being heavily into star wars wouldn't attract many women I imagine. The whole star wars nerd stereotype exists for a reason.


I've noticed that if as a guy you're on the outliers of the bell curve in terms of pop culture, you'll struggle more than those who aren't.

Most pop culture topics are marketed heavily at women and it not surprising they'll look down on someone who isn't into it and wonder what is wrong with them?

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A guy being heavily into star wars wouldn't attract many women I imagine. The whole star wars nerd stereotype exists for a reason.


That's why Star Wars nerds should look for single women who are also into Star Wars as well.


Crazy question, but do female nerds have problems attracting men if they are too geeky or does being a female circumvent that?

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Star wars is not the greatest movie.


And people that like it often are like in fantasy world. And spent hours talking of something that isnt even truth. So sad!


I think you can talk more with one that dont have tv. Then someone that

brag all day about some fantasy stupid story.

That isnt even relate with real life issues!


You dont have to have same interest. But at least some.

Otherwise it can be a issue if you both like nothing that the other like,.

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I/m not a woman. but just the mere thought of some fat middle aged guy getting all jerked off over Star Wars, or dressing up in tights like Spiderman to attend one of those stupid ComicCon trade shows...would make me run to the hills..


I guess there would be some women turned on by that, but I don't know any...




Here's an over 40, middle-aged, cosplayer dressed up. Hardly overweight, lol.


Crazy question, but do female nerds have problems attracting men?


Example... there's this die hard fan.


So here's to laying stereotypes to rest. ;-)


Most pop culture topics are marketed heavily at women
Please explain?



But I understand that there are people who can be quite extreme and socially inept.

Edited by LookAtThisPOst
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Star wars is not the greatest movie.


And people that like it often are like in fantasy world. And spent hours talking of something that isnt even truth. So sad!


I think you can talk more with one that dont have tv. Then someone that

brag all day about some fantasy stupid story.

That isnt even relate with real life issues!


You dont have to have same interest. But at least some.

Otherwise it can be a issue if you both like nothing that the other like,.


Finding a connection over, well anything isn't sad at all. You might be bashing Star Wars specifically, but the whole idea is about making connections with shared interests.


Replace "Star Wars" with anything else...Fifty Shades of Gray, The Young and the Restless, Hunger Games or Sex in the City. Hell, you're favorite CSI episodes. Microbiology. Politics. Religion.


At the end of the day, it's yet another fun conversation or discussion with a significant other or a date.

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does being a female circumvent that?


Considering the prior post, and many other pictures on social media of women that go to these conventions, I would probably say yes...at FIRST...but now...being geeky is widely acceptable now. So I kind of have to chuckle for those who STILL make fun of them. Making fun of geeks is so 1980s. lol

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Considering the prior post, and many other pictures on social media of women that go to these conventions, I would probably say yes...at FIRST...but now...being geeky is widely acceptable now. So I kind of have to chuckle for those who STILL make fun of them. Making fun of geeks is so 1980s. lol


I think being male geek is currently seen as "okay", although there are still lots of "normal" people who still won't understand the culture or reasoning.

Even here on LS, male geeks are encouraged to hide or at least downplay their geekiness if they want to attract females.


Female "geek goddesses" are unicorns. LOL, no wonder why they are so popular! Geeks could be themselves around them.

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I think being male geek is currently seen as "okay", although there are still lots of "normal" people who still won't understand the culture or reasoning.

Even here on LS, male geeks are encouraged to hide or at least downplay their geekiness if they want to attract females.



Downplay, true...probably at first. The whole "too much too soon" thing for anything can be overwhelming. It's best at first they don't know what they're getting into. lol. I don't splurge much money-wise on objects to put on shelves and such.


Female "geek goddesses" are unicorns. LOL, no wonder why they are so popular! Geeks could be themselves around them.




There are also speed dating events. Here's a lady blogger that wrote about her experience. One excerpt that's particularly important...



Let me just say: the guys were, on the whole, quite lovely to talk to. Comic Con draws a pleasantly diverse group in age, race, and background. No one was cripplingly shy or scary or inappropriate. I just have a few pieces of constructive criticism:


Boys, you are at COMIC CON Speed Dating. You don’t have to pretend to be normal and uninteresting with us. The most fun conversations started with “What are you here to see?” or “Have you gone to any panels?”, and not the most dreaded question in any form of organized or unorganized dating: “So…where are you from, originally?”



It’s not cute to put your date on the spot. “What’s the most interesting thing about you, in 8 words?” Slow your roll there, tiger. All of a sudden, what should be a low-stress conversation is an audition. What’s so great about you that we need to pull out some fact and impress you?



Do not question our loves. When they saw my Loki: God of Cuteness shirt, several guys responded with incredulity. “That guy?” “Loki’s cute?” “I don’t think most girls would agree.” My response was always, “Check Tumblr. Every girl with a Tumblr is in love with him.” One dude was like, “Why?”



So it was kind of funny, that some guys tended to not entirely buy into these women being TRUE geeks and questioned their knowledge. Kind of shooting themselves in the foot there.


But the first paragraph was dead on. "You don't have to PRETEND to be normal and uninteresting."

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Though there have been people that been made fun of as soon as they open their mouths during a movie discussion topic when the most commonly seen franchise or movie that goes back to even the 1970s, is a film that's never been seen by certain individuals.



Excuse the headline, but it's more of a hook than anything. Though I could have entitled it, "Out of touch with pop-culture much a deal breaker?"


This one woman I know, I had asked her if she plans on seeing The Force Awakens, and she said her kids are seeing it tonight, but she has no interest in going to see it. In fact, she said she's never really watched the original trilogy. Ironically, she's a computer geek.


Most people to look at that person as an "odd bird", or "what is wrong with you?!" I can see why we couldn't get along as her sense of humor is rather limited. Almost in a Sheldon from Big Bang Theory kind of way, but heck he's a fan, too, right? After a time of getting to know her, she really doesn't have much going on activity-wise or hobbies even.


Now, even non-geeks even enjoy these films, even non-fans like them as well.


But her response, "I usually don't watch movies or TV", usually I wouldn't say that is a deal breaker, but since I can tie that into her regular personality...I can see why we wouldn't get along as a dating couple.


The pre-sales for these tickets sold at around 125 million dollars, which crashed servers world wide.


Don't get me wrong, I actually dated a couple of women that had NO internet access IN their homes. When I told people this, they found that to be as odd as not having indoor plumbing...some would even consider that a deal breaker.


Some might think of these kinds of people as "out of touch" even, but others probably not?Are they?


I mean, when people get the "WHAT? You've never seen Star Wars? Jaws??"


Dealbreaker for some? Or "To each their own and date them anyway?"


I'm like this woman -- very pop culture illiterate. I simply don't care, and life is too short to engage myself in things I don't care about. I saw the old Star Wars movies, two or three of them, and barely remember them. So why see more of them? I don't even know what actors are in these newer ones. Ditto for Fifty Shades of Grey, etc.


And you know what? Once I accepted I'm always going to be an outlier, I was able to stop trying to bond with people over a glut of shared interests. My close and most enjoyable friendships are now with people who have a wide enough range of interests that there's that one tiny overlap between them and I. Through them, I learn a smidge about what everyone is talking about, and through me, they have good times with someone who is more interested in them than some TV show we've both watched.


Anyway, I'm sure for some people my ignorance is a deal breaker, and that's fine. I'd rather someone snub me because I haven't seen Breaking Bad than spend time with me and think less of me for it.

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If this were to be a dealbreaker to me (as I'm a huge Star Wars fan, and it's been a significant factor in my youth.), then I can easily rule out 95% of the eligible pool of women from ages 18-30 in my country, lol. xD

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Here's an over 40, middle-aged, cosplayer dressed up. Hardly overweight, lol.




Example... there's this die hard fan.


So here's to laying stereotypes to rest. ;-)


Please explain?



But I understand that there are people who can be quite extreme and socially inept.


Look at the majority of the rubbish on mainstream TV nowadays and what the majority of new mainstream films are... You can't honestly tell me much of it is marketed at men. Not straight ones anyway.


Don't get me wrong, I love star wars, the old films anyway but I'm in no way a star wars nerd and I'd never get dressed up or anything for it.


I just enjoy watching the old films just the same way as I love watching the die hard trilogy and the terminator films.


Being heavily into star wars won't get you women though, in fact it'll probably repel them.

Just calling it as I see it, not a slur on star wars or its fans as I love the old films and am going to watch the new one.

I wouldn't hold it against someone if they weren't into it though.



Women are more concerned if a guy is up to date with what's on hbo, mtv and whatever other crap is considered 'hot' or 'trending'

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I know (and enjoy) Star Wars, steampunk, etc - and my thought upon reading your thread was, "Are you friggin' kidding me???" :laugh:


I mean, come on. Aren't you always complaining about how women have all these weird, crazy dealbreakers? This goes right along with the best of them. I can understand not wanting someone who didn't share any of your hobbies, but I'd sincerely hope your hobbies aren't restricted to Star Wars, steampunk, and Buffy.

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