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It this guy just being a "guy" or is he a "loser"?

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When me and my boyfriend began dating he dove into our relationship quickly - faster than I wanted to. He wanted to rush falling in love and was anxious to get married but at the same time he warned me that if I ever cheated on him that would be it (his ex wife cheated on him).


He said things that threw me during our courtship. He'd call me late at night saying he was going to a topless bar or he just got home from a club down the street where some girl was buying him drinks. It was all b.s. but I was clueless as to why he'd say things like this to me - to get me jealous?


Then he invited me to spend a week at a beach house his mom rented. His sisters and their husbands were there and his mom's friend. During this week I find out he and his mom's friend had fooled around months before we started dating. She gave him a blow job one night after they had a few drinks.


I was so pissed off that he invited me to this beach house with this chick present - I felt extremely uncomfortable - and she was a friend of his moms! I was trying to get to know his family myself and it was so awkward with this woman there who'd given him a blow job months earlier. I felt it disrespectful.


Since then he's done alot of similar things - along with conveniently leaving his porn out for me to see in his bathroom.


Just this guy just have bad taste and no dating etiquette or is he a total loser?

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Speaking as a guy, I think it's a combo of all those things. Moreover, I think he's totally insecure. He warns you, pretty early on, about cheating on him. He seems to go out of his way to indicate to you that other women find him attractive. Wants you to be jealous and to be afraid of losing him.


Sounds like a bit of a dickhead, frankly. Hope you haven't been dating him very long.

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