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A girl i really like. Road block


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Theres a beautiful spanish girl i like at my work. Whenever i talk to her it seems like she gets nervous. She does not look at me in the eyes and drops things/clumsy. Shes always pretty nice to me. I told her i might put her number in my phone if she was a nice girl. She said okay with a smile. She has a boyfriend and she is also bestfriends with the guys sister(she also works there). Whenever she is with the boyfriends sister she acts different. Im told its because she doesnt want to seem like shes cheating/disrespectful around her boyfriends sister. She approached me and said hi when i worked next to her one time but the other girl was there and ever since then she acts diff around her. I dont know what to do because i like her but i dont know how to get around this road block. They are always together. What do i do? Should i give up? Or should i try to get her alone and make a move for her number before i give up.

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Rule #1: Never EVER date a co-worker, ever, period.


Rule #2: Never ever date anyone who is in a current relationship with another guy, ever, period.


Rule #3: Combine rule #1 & rule #2


That should give you an idea of how big a no-no this is.

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