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can't let go of anger. mixed emotions. dumped after giving a second chance


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I have posted a couple of threads in the last 3 months but I am really struggling with dealing with anger even after almost 4 months now....


We broke up initially because I just didn't see her being able to commit to a serious relationship (talking about next steps etc.) It almost felt insulting that despite being in a relationship, we had fundamentally different expectations. She never expressed her true reasons for not comitting and that led to me breaking up.


After 2-3 months she surfaced out of no where, when I had started moving on (really well) and she said she messed up and if i give her another chance, she will be with me for life...


My trust was broken but I decided to give us a chance.... after spending another 3 months, one day she literally dumped me (not even responding to my calls) saying she didn't feel it.


I just can't let go of the anger and confusion as to how someone can think like this and behave like this ... and drag me emotionally in the process. Anyone being through a similar experience?


How do you really let it go? I today see her as a very cruel and mean person - plus immature

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Wow devaju! This is exactly the situation I'm in, she broke up with me 3 months or so a go, kicked me out, then wanted me back, wanted me to move back in, then randomly said what she wanted and what she needed where 2 different things and kicked me out again after promising me things would be different and I would be secure if I dropped everything and moved back in with her.


I haven't contacted her since then, that was 15 days a go, if I didn't know expect this cruel attitude from her I guess I would be more pissed off and the like, but at this point despite the odd moment of upset and disbelief here and there at the way she'd treated me, I'm coping just fine and trying to move on.

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Dude I am in a situation like yours...dumped twice by the same female. It's a mix of anger hate and , suprisingly I miss her in some way. It takes time. I have wasted two years of my life being in love with her...and now I realize she is not worth my love. She just used me as emotional filler for when she was lonely. The hurt and anger you feel? I know it too well right now.

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Yes dude. I know exactly how you are feeling. I felt for a number of days I did something wrong. The worst was she didn't even tell me she was breaking up with me. She just blocked me on all fronts one day. She had commitment issues but when she came back, it took me a while to put my trust in her.... And then this. It really sucks and feels like she played with me. She didn't even care about my well being. Stay strong dude

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Yes dude. I know exactly how you are feeling. I felt for a number of days I did something wrong. The worst was she didn't even tell me she was breaking up with me. She just blocked me on all fronts one day. She had commitment issues but when she came back, it took me a while to put my trust in her.... And then this. It really sucks and feels like she played with me. She didn't even care about my well being. Stay strong dude


Anger is part of the healing process my friend


I still hold anger towards my ex which to some can be seen as not being able to move on. Though in hindsight for me it works as it reminds me not to contact her and confirms why I walked away. She's not the person I beilived her to be. I'm moving on much quicker by disliking and not holding any respect for that person, as sad as that can make me feel it works on my side.


Stay strong dude and hope you find your peace

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