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its been 2 years i didnt got out with a girl


and now im so confused on what to do


there is a couple of girls , that im interestd in going out with , but i dont realy know what to do , cause i dont see them as often as i would like to


one is from the supermarket , used to work with here, and we talk for 5 minutes every time i see her, and i found out she dump her bf 4 month ago , and shes still single


another one , she used to hang out with my friends, but now i see her once in a week , when i go out, but shes 18 and im 24


anyways its not that i dont have a choice, its i think that i totaly confuse myself on what to do


what do i have to do , should i makes some mooves ( and what do i mean by mooves ?) should i ask her out, to do what ?


should i ask her out to go out with my friends and i ???


to a rave ?


i dont know what to do as u can see, i realy need some point outs, so i can oriente myself toward a goal


i wish their was a manual to tell me exactly what to do


please do help meee



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You should certainly ask one or more of them out when you see them. The younger one may be more comfortable going out with a group somewhere but you should ask them to do something that young people enjoy doing in your town.


Actually, when you make a date you don't really have to tell them what you're going to take them to at the time you ask. You can discuss that with them later. Find out what they enjoy doing. However, ladies usually find it less threatening if you ask them to do something with your friends along the first time or two.


But you're going to have to take some kind of action. These ladies can't read your mind.

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