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Will I ever find someone?


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I am 27 years old and I am losing hope I will ever find someone. I have been in two 2 year relationships that both ended with me getting dumped cruelly. I don't know what I ever did to deserve to be cut off. I look at everyone else happy in relationships and having kids and it makes me so depressed. Where can I meet new people? I clearly need to make myself happy before committing myself to someone else. I think this is my biggest fear.

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I'm sorry you were dumped cruelly. Nobody enjoys the process of breaking up but when it's not done with any sensitivity, that just rubs salt in the wound.


Don't give up hope. I didn't meet DH until I was 39 & he was 34. You have time.


There are tons of ways / places to meet people:


1. OLD


2. through friends & family -- tell them you are open to being fixed up


3. bars / night clubs


4. coffee shops


5. through work. Not necessarily at your employer but who's around when you get your coffee, in the elevator, when you get lunch etc. Also go to industry events to meet people who do what you do.


6. take or teach a class either academic (no dating students then) or adult education


7. Join meet up groups that interest you I enjoyed the board games one & the business card exchanges but you pick what you like


8. attend singles events -- they have all sorts of ones covering various interests. I went to one called Leashes & Lovers because I could bring my dog.


9. at your house of worship . . get involved with the congregation


10. volunteering to do something you are passionate about

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Just have to put yourself out there. Maybe even try changing your wardrobe up a bit. I just reinvented my wardrobe. It's nothing to drastic, just has a better taste to it. I was lazy all the time being in a medical program at school and wore sweat pants. That isn't going to get me a guy! (Maybe I can do that a few months after dating or at home in my own privacy). I went to Ulta and had this great gay guy help me with my make up routine :). I've been searching youtube for beauty tips and such to update my routine.

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4. coffee shops


Coffee Shops? Really?


So you just walk up to someone sipping their coffee and try to pick them up?


Isn't that too much?

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Coffee Shops? Really?


So you just walk up to someone sipping their coffee and try to pick them up?


Isn't that too much?


While not everybody can spin a conversation out of thin air, many can. You can meet people anywhere. Start with a smile, then a hi, then nice weather we're having or something else banal.


At the very least many people have favorite coffee shops that they frequent. What's the harm of saying hi to another regular?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Coffee Shops? Really?


So you just walk up to someone sipping their coffee and try to pick them up?


Isn't that too much?




The thing about the world is there isn't really a 'safe zone' as to where someone isn't allowed an attempt to start something.


If someone is sitting there reading a book and sipping their coffee and you notice the book is one of your favorites. Maybe you try and say hi and talk with them and it goes from there. Some people don't like that, but let's be honest. If an attractive (to personal preference) stranger walks up to you and politely begins a conversation, there really isn't anything wrong with that.


Connections can be made at any time with almost anyone. It's just deciding if it's worth the 'risk' to try.


Sure, you may annoy someone having their coffee and be embarrassed, or you could meet the love of your life. Heck, maybe the best place to meet someone is a public place you wouldn't normally want to meet someone at. If in that place, the person kicks you out of your comfort zone, it could mean there is something special about them.

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I am 27 years old and I am losing hope I will ever find someone. I have been in two 2 year relationships that both ended with me getting dumped cruelly. I don't know what I ever did to deserve to be cut off. I look at everyone else happy in relationships and having kids and it makes me so depressed. Where can I meet new people? I clearly need to make myself happy before committing myself to someone else. I think this is my biggest fear.


Truth is, most people who are in relationships are far less happy than you believe they are. I can think of many couples (most) who are in "stable", long-term and committed relationships who are absolutely miserable.....often with each other.


Being alone (as in lonely) isn't a curse, just a mixed blessing that can really suck at times.

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