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Friendship or more

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Few weeks ago my heart was broken as my fiance was seeing an ugly duckling behind my back. I'm currently going through the stages if healing and won't be ready to date again for a long while. Meanwhile a very attractive female friend if mine had the same thing happen to her. We both agreed it would be just friends as neither one of us are nowhere close to being emotionally ready to date. We vent to each other, comfort each other etc. One thing that has been happening is she's staying overnight with me. Nothing sexual has happened. I'll lay with hwr until she falls asleep and then I'll go sleep on the couch. She says having someone laying next to her helps her fall asleep. Lately when she leaves the next day she kisses me, on the mouth, last I checked friends don't do this lol. So I'm curious as to what's happening right under my nose. I have no interest in pursuing anything with her, one day sure, but right now I'm trying to better myself. I believe she is too. However the staying over, kissing etc seems like she may be having feelings I guess or something is definitely going on in her head. She made it clear to me that if I were to begin having feelings that I need to let her know because she doesn't want to hurt me. I assured her I don't and am not at that state right now. During conversation she does ask some off the wall questions that come out of left field that usually, in my experience, comes from getting to know someone on more than friendship level. I'm just looking for some insight as to what she may be up to or thinking , planning etc.

Edited by sickofyou
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You need to speak up before it goes any further. She may be a codependent type who just has to attach to someone and you're handy. You need to just tell her, "Hey, we've talked about all this. I'm not interested in that." And stop laying in bed with her.

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