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Head or Heart

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In dating or love, Which do you listen to the most? If you find someone that is not all there,but you find yourself attracted to them,do you talk yourself out of that possible or actual relationship or take the next step?

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1. In dating or love, Which do you listen to the most?


Which of what do you listen to the most? You have to give choices here. Your question is not complete. But if you're talking about radio stations, I usually listen to FM93.3, the power pig, when I'm dating and I make my own CDs with my CD burner to listen to when in love.


2. If you meet someone who is not all there, but you find yourself attracted to them,do you talk yourself out of that possible or actual relationship or take the next step?


What do you mean by "not all there." If you mean parts of their body have been severed and are elsewhere I would probably not be attracted to that and wouldn't take it any further.


If you mean that they are in your town some of the time and out of town part of the time, that wouldn't be great either. Those kinds of relationships are for people who are afraid of intimacy.


If you mean they are like a little whacko, hey...most of us are. It would depend on just how whacko they are. Some crazy people are a lot of fun...but when it comes to getting serious, I would not want a crazy woman to pass that sort of stuff down to the kids. I mean there are enough crazy kids out there without knowingly producing more.


In either case, I don't think it's in your best interest to engage in a relationship with someone who is "not all there" even if you were attracted to them because there are just way too many ladies who are all there...or mostly there anyway.

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This is an interesting question. I am a Christian and would like to find someone with the same faith as me. Last summer I was dating a Jewish man and my Head won that battle. I knew it would never work out because of our religeous differences. This guy, let his Heart win, he fell pretty hard for me despite this persistent conflict. This past winter I began dating another Jewish man. In this situation, my Heart won the battle and his Head prevailed. He was very reasonable about the situation, but I just couldn't get enough of him. The bottom line: I think if I am really attracted to someone, I listen to my Heart, otherwise I listen to my Head. I hope this makes sense :)

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