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Confused over this girl

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I am a 22 male and I have been looking for a really nice girl and I am not sure what to do since I found one that comes close to what I want the problem is I am not sure if she is telling me the truth and not hiding from me.


Ok I work for Sears and she was a shopper and I well was doing part of my job by asking her if she needed help and she said no but that asked me if we had met before which to what I know we haven't but she swears we had but not sure were, well anyways she stuck around and when I was leaving from my shift she asked if I was done for the day and if i wanted company for a coffee and I said sure and well things went well she bought the coffee not letting me buy and than buying me supper also and than the next day she calls me and spends time with me at which time I found out that she is a Erotic Dancer (Stripper) and well I was scared at that point cuz well they are


1) people who leave town alot and


2) sleep with many guys so she could have something


3) knows what to say but doesn't mean it


4) also everyone I know has a chance on seeing her nude


there is a lot of things that scares me thing is that she is not leaving I keeping giving her a chance and she is still there


also the 3rd day she hangs with me and buys me a colonge that is priced to kill and yet she buys it and than the next day she buys me a dozen long stem roses and tells me she woves me not loves me and says she wants nothing but me I am not a good looking guy so that is not right also I have found out that she is out partying alot and spends many a nights with alot of guys what does this mean I am confused


Please help

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She sounds like a funny girl!


Um... if I were you, I wouldn't take it too seriously, and simply have fun. She must be hot & know all the tricks, being a professional... so have fun!


On the other hand, maybe she's sick of her party life and she's trying to get a normal, simple relationship?? Just a guess... But u can only find that out way later...


Now if she's lying about her profession - she's even funnier... but i doubt any girls wd lie like that... and if she isn't lying.. it's a good sign that she isn't hiding her profession...


So juts don't take it too seriously, and have fun, and see where it goes!


PS be careful disease-wise though.. if she sleeps around, make sure she doesn't carry AIDS or anything...


just some thoughts..........


good luck

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I wouldn't be so judgemental about what she does and jump to a lot of conclusions about her, although she is pretty different.


You don't have to marry the girl. Go out with her and learn more about her. She sounds pretty open minded so she'll give you a lot about her background, why she's an exotic dancer, etc. It could be a very educational experience.


You make a lot of generalizations about exotic dancers that may be true for some and not true for others. I think it's wrong to make generalizations about any profession or type of person. Everybody deserves a chance. Just pay a lot of attention when you're observing someone.


Chances are things won't go very far...but get to know her better and see what makes her tick, unless you've got better things to do.


As far as sex, I wouldn't touch her with Bill Clinton's thing until she went through a battery of tests for STD's, including AIDs. Don't even think about going there right now.

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