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I have visited this site a couple of times this week out of curiousity, and I noticed you seem to have an opinion on everything. What makes you so wise in all areas of love/romance/sex? What is YOUR story? It seems you love to be the "nice guy" with all the answers, but I bet your love life sucks. Why else would you be so obsessed with this website? Maybe istead of acting like you have all your ##### together you ought to open yourself up to some love advice.

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I actually get the feeling that Tony's love life is just fine... but i'd be curious to hear too :p


Just for your info, Tony, I imagine you as a skinny, smiley, quiet guy in his 50s... and for some reason i think u have a dog...


hehe, just an image in my mind...



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1. I noticed you seem to have an opinion on everything.


Not really. I don't give much though to the lunch menus at New York public schools...and I really don't care who survives on those survival shows on television.


2. What makes you so wise in all areas of love/romance/sex?


I don't think I'm so wise. But I've been through a lot...a whole lot. And after you've been tossed around a bit in life, you learn some valuable lessons that may help others. And, if you really pay attention, you will quickly learn that a lot of people disagree with what I write. And that's OK. We're here to give a variety of advice for the consideration of posters.


3. What is YOUR story?


Well, I don't have much of a story. But my real name is Harry Potter if that helps any.


4. It seems you love to be the "nice guy" with all the answers, but I bet your love life sucks.


No, actually it's very nice almost all the time. Eventually you get to a point where you just don't care...and that's about the time every woman in the world falls in love with you. It's when you really give a crap that you have so many problems. So there's hope for everybody.


5. Why else would you be so obsessed with this website?


Well, this is the only website that I visit that doesn't have dirty pictures...so it's really my only hope of going to heaven.


6. Maybe istead of acting like you have all your ##### together you ought to open yourself up to some love advice


Well, of course. Anytime. Pour it on!!!


Actually, I don't really think I ever act like I know it all. As a matter of fact, very often I learn from other posts because sometimes I just miss the whole point...or I miss an important angle. I guess people just mix things up because I answer a lot of posts...and I really do try hard to get things right. But the people who seem best at whatever they do are that way only because they try a lot more often. When you are right a lot of the time, you are also wrong a lot more often too.


But by all means, I'll take all the advice I can get on anything. I read constantly and the more I learn, the dumber I feel. Anything you can tell me to help me figure all this out better is warmly encouraged.

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YOU WRITE: Just for your info, Tony, I imagine you as a skinny, smiley, quiet guy in his 50s... and for some reason i think u have a dog...


Actually, I'm not skinny...always on a diet fighting off computer butt; I do smile a lot but only because I know people can see me through the computer screen; but I'm pretty talkative and younger than you think.


I did have a dog but I had it arrested after it kept taking money from my wallet to buy doggie toys (which I found hidden under the couch). Now I have a cat who is currently in withdrawal clinic for an addiction to Bonkers cat treats.

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I have to say for the record i think your great. You have this way of telling people the truth while mixing it in with exactley what they want to hear, and that's a hard thing to do. Anyway, even if your love life does suc, at least your trying to help someone else with their problems which just show that you give a damn.

Tony, I have visited this site a couple of times this week out of curiousity, and I noticed you seem to have an opinion on everything. What makes you so wise in all areas of love/romance/sex? What is YOUR story? It seems you love to be the "nice guy" with all the answers, but I bet your love life sucks. Why else would you be so obsessed with this website? Maybe istead of acting like you have all your ##### together you ought to open yourself up to some love advice.
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