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Met this amazing girl online. We've been together for two months. She's in school, and my career is taking off. We live about 4 hours away from each other. She doesn't want to come meet me first which I understand. I can't go meet her first simply because it costs me a chunk of money to get my car fixed. About $900.00. I've offered to pay for her and a friend to ride the bus here because I don't care about sex or anything I just want to see her. I've even made plans to meet halfway but she wants me to drive another 1 and 45 mins because she doesn't like driving over bridges. Like I'm getting really annoyed with her. She is ok with me spending over 900.00 dollars then still wants me to pay for my own hotel and our food, and she will give me some money for gas. But won't come here or meet me half way when we both can save money. Advice please.

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In my opinion, as a man, the onus is mostly on you to make the first meeting happen. It's not her problem that your car needs to get fixed and you don't have reliable transportation to visit her.


It's a simple matter of whether visiting her is worth the hassle and expense to you or not. Either make it happen without complaints or forget about it.


Discussions about expenses can be discussed and compromised on for future meetings, if necessary.

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Do you not need your car for anything else? I think it's a bit disingenuous to say that you're spending '$900 on her' when that $900 is the cost of fixing your own car, unless you're planning to leave the fixed car behind with her. And if she agrees to meet halfway, don't you still need to get your car fixed to do that?


That being said, I agree that "I don't like driving over bridges" is a pretty weak excuse. My guess is that she believes, similar to rester, that the onus is on you as the man to make the first trip, she just doesn't want to say it point blank.


Just decide whether it is worth going to her or not and make your choice accordingly.

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