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She a little runaway.

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The ex gf is 33 and broke up with me a couple of times and once said "the next time I runaway". We were very good friends before we dated and she told me she liked it that way, but we got involved. I dont think she ever wanted to get involved. She does not play games nor is she a tease. She just seems very nervous about being in a relationship.


She has not had a boyfriend in years, but has lots of male friends(just friends) . She is a beutiful woman with an amazing personality and would have no problem getting a date.


Since breaking up we hung out as very good friends for a while and got along great, we always did. We have so much in common that it is hard to avoid one another. She gets very comfortable around me almost like my girlfriend again, but even as a friend she still runs away from me. This has happened twice now , well 4 times if you count when she was my gf..Every time a different excuse.She only does it to me and not any other of her male friends.


I have always treated her as only a friend , I have never asked anything from her, but I was still interested in her. I just tried to be nice to her. I have not spoken to her for 3 months . I want to open up lines of communication again , but not sure if I should. The last time we had contact she told me was not going to talk to me anymore and wished me well with future endeveavors.I want to ask her why she runs away constantly.


Any opinions please?



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I dunno.. IMO when someone tells you their not going to talk to you anymore or tells you they don't want to talk to you anymore the best thing to do is believe them and leave them alone..


Why she has treated you in a certain way and not others in the same fashion... My guess is because you let her...

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Move on, bro! Trust me, I just ended a weird situation like this, and it has been the best thing that I ever did.


If she hasn't tried to contact you, she doesn't dig you, and doesn't value your friendship enough to have that mean anything either. She has intimacy issues, for sure. But, it isn't up to you to solve them or help her--let some other shmuck do that. You are the guy that is happening, and you are the one who deserves to be with someone who will at least be a real friend to you, and at most not reject your heart.


Think of it this way--everyone enjoys a challenege, and by not contacting her you are being the ultimate challenge. I would imagine that all the other guys she knows run to her often. Be different. She probably runs away because she wants to see who will chase her, and thereby know who she "has" and who she doesn't.


If you see her out, say, "hi" and chit-chat, but only for a couple of minutes and then hang out with your real friends and have a great time. It'll either drive her crazy and make her want to be with you, or she won't care and that's that. Either way, you are doing what you want and getting on with your life. You can't lose!

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