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Just a friend?

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I like a guy friend of mine very much, he is the only best friend I've ever had in my life. When we first started being friends, he always used to talk about other gals which made me feel like I was just being friend zoned or that he just saw me as a best friend to share his problems with.


I've never dated anyone till date, he on the other hand had 4-5 girl friends so far, though nothing seemed to work out for him. Do not know if this was the reason, but somehow there was this period where we became really close, were (and are still)really comfortable with each other. There were two instances where he initiated sexual moves at me, and not knowing how to react I just remained silent. And the moment I made up my mind to express my feelings or even talk about what has happened, he apologized for what has happened and said that this is headed nowhere.


And now he is back to square one, brings up other girls and shares his girl problems with me. He never touched me after that incident, but he just spends enormous amounts of time with me whether it be over the weekend or during the week. Which makes me wonder...guys, would you really spend time with a person of opposite sex if you do not have any kind of interest in her? I can't seem to understand as to why he spends so much time with me, but when it comes to relationship he prefers other gals.

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Sounds like you have 2 options..1. Tell him how you feel and see what he says or 2. Don't say anything and stay just friends. Best of luck to you.

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