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did i screw up?


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ok i got some answers from tony and thought they were pretty good but for some reason after all that has happened between me and my ex he leaveing and getting remarried the next day after our divorce,and now he is getting divorced


and we have talked alot and it has come to an agreement that we will work on things and see where it goes i love him and he says he never stopped loveing me but just wanted to see what it was like on his own.i was seeing a very nice guy that cared about me and i have hurt him and feel very bad for this,my ex did just up and leave after work one night but all i keep thinking is theyears we had together and how the kids are so happy when he is here and me for that matter he has gotten back into his old routine of calling at lunch to check on me and to tell me he loves me


but i keep dreaming that he will come back and say he has changed his mind about being with me and that would hurt


because i gave up a relationship that could have been a good one tony give me what you think am i stupid or what?

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Your ex is screwed up...very screwed up. Do what you want. But for most people, it would not be rational to jump into anything with this guy. He is way off balance. He has a LOT of very deep problems he needs to solve in his life before he can have a committed relationship with anybody.


But do what you want. Myself, I wouldn't have anything to do with this guy if I were you. But if you are intent on giving it another try, I would proceed with the same caution that you would in approaching 1000 sticks of dynamite set to go off.


Right now he is major problems waiting to happen. Exactly what has changed that makes you think he will be any different now? How can you ever feel secure with him after what he did?


I hope he gets some help to try to get straightened out so he can effectively deal with life's issues and make good judgements that affect him and those around him.


Take this real, real slowly!!!

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ok i got some answers from tony and thought they were pretty good but for some reason after all that has happened between me and my ex he leaveing and getting remarried the next day after our divorce,and now he is getting divorced and we have talked alot and it has come to an agreement that we will work on things and see where it goes i love him and he says he never stopped loveing me but just wanted to see what it was like on his own.i was seeing a very nice guy that cared about me and i have hurt him and feel very bad for this,my ex did just up and leave after work one night but all i keep thinking is theyears we had together and how the kids are so happy when he is here and me for that matter he has gotten back into his old routine of calling at lunch to check on me and to tell me he loves me but i keep dreaming that he will come back and say he has changed his mind about being with me and that would hurt because i gave up a relationship that could have been a good one tony give me what you think am i stupid or what?
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ok i got some answers from tony and thought they were pretty good but for some reason after all that has happened between me and my ex he leaveing and getting remarried the next day after our divorce,and now he is getting divorced and we have talked alot and it has come to an agreement that we will work on things and see where it goes i love him and he says he never stopped loveing me but just wanted to see what it was like on his own.i was seeing a very nice guy that cared about me and i have hurt him and feel very bad for this,my ex did just up and leave after work one night but all i keep thinking is theyears we had together and how the kids are so happy when he is here and me for that matter he has gotten back into his old routine of calling at lunch to check on me and to tell me he loves me but i keep dreaming that he will come back and say he has changed his mind about being with me and that would hurt because i gave up a relationship that could have been a good one tony give me what you think am i stupid or what?


I am experiencing the same problem. I am having to choose between the old and the new. Knowing that the old one left is making it hard to fall back. I wish I had the answer but that is why I am her.

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i know i shouldnt give him a second chance but he seems so different he has been to a counsleler and he said he was being selfish and he understands now that love is more important then what money can buy,and said that the girl he married was only to try and hurt me because i was dateing


and that he did not love her ,which i knew that i know he has problems but i think it is a communication problem and i told him that he has to be willing to talk problems or issues out or it will not work and i will not stay with him if he can not open up to me thanks for your response you help alot

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i know it is a hard thing to do it seems as though he is the awfuliest person in the world but he really isnt he has his problems but who doesnt we were happy at times but also had our ups and downs i think like the old story goes you never know what you have till its gone and i think that is how he is looking at it ,these people on here have some pretty good advice

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