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Extremely big crush !


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Hello everyone,


There's this girl I'm really interested in and I'm not sure what she thinks of me. We've known each other quite along time but didn't really start talking until this year, She came round my house a couple weeks back and seemed very comfortable with me. Such as, when we where watching a film she was leaning her head on me and I was stroking her hair (But nothing happened when we shared the bed apart from this)


Today I was texting her asking about her and told her I'm interested in her, and she said "I do like you, but you know not in that way" following with the message "I'm seeing someone already." Does this mean I've got no chance with her? As in February next year we're going on 1 week holiday sharing the same room ect, do you think I should try and make a more and if so how?


Thanks for reading.

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"I do like you, but you know not in that way"


When a girl says this you have no chance at all of turning this into something special with her. Basically what it means is she sees you as a brother. Sorry.

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