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What makes YOU (yes YOU reading this) AMAZING??


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We've all had a serious blow to our self esteem with these break ups. So let's do something good for us!!! I want you to answer 3 categories about yourself that make you amazing!!!

1. Mentally

2. Emotionally

3. Physically


I guess I will start since I made this thread:


1. Mentally - I am a strong communicator that can handle conflict and problem solve on the spot and I'm driven, motivated and very successful and independent.

2. Emotionally - I have more love to give then I thought possible, I'm non judgmental, understanding. and I'm extremely loyal and faithful.

3. Physically - I have a beautiful smile, take great care of my body and am overall a beautiful woman.


Now it's your turn!! Don't be shy!

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OK Yippee... a self-trumpeting thread. Ok I'll bite lol... only for the fun of it!


1. Mentally - Well, I'm mentally-sound. At least I hope so! No one has called me stupid and I do contribute to discussions and have solid opinions. I can be assertive when I want to be, but I'm definitely not aggressive. I'm well-educated (uni) and hold a great job that pays well. I get along with my bosses, colleagues and clients!


2. Emotionally - Not too clingy, not too aloof, I strike a balance emotionally. I can be really caring and motherly when it's welcome and on the other hand, I can be aloof and distant when the need arise. No ex baggage, no family dramas, no childhood trauma, no financial turmoil. I'm as emotionally-matured as one would hope for. I'm super faithful too and I don't seek validation from others. There are no embarassing history or unlawful pictures circulating around. Basically, I'm the kind of girl you can bring home to mom/grandma and I won't embarrass your empire.


3. Physically - I'm an avid bellydancer so I do have body awareness. Naturally slim so it's easy to maintain my weight, I do a lot of exercise to keep my tummy trim and my butt 'Yanet-Garcia-inspired'. Nothing I can do about the non-existent boobs though so I guess I can't have it all LOL! I love the shape of my waistline and butt mostly, and that's my best asset.


Ah ok. So much for blowing my own trumpet. Hopefully, I can find someone to actually appreciate the above - in 2016! :bunny:

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I think this is a really good idea.


1. Mentally - I'm a fast learner, which helps because I'm always looking to try new things. I feel as if I'm a really good problem solver and I can think critically. I'm currently working on getting my degree and I've always gotten good grades (though I did misspell my username on here and didn't notice until I was already a few posts in, so maybe the whole "scholar" thing isn't for me). More than anything I love to laugh and make others laugh.


2. Emotionally - I'm very mature for my age. I'm a nice guy who genuinely cares about people. I can love unconditionally and be extremely supportive, no matter the issue. I'm not the type of guy who will try to hook up at a party. I'm the type of guy you bring home to your family, which doesn't seem to win over many sorority girls at my school, but I'm sure it'll help in the future. I'm also confident in myself and I strive to be independent and set myself apart from the pack.


3. Physically - Well I'm 6'3" with an athletic build. I have bright orange hair and am probably one of the most ginger people you can imagine. I'm not terribly pasty thanks to years of baseball and marching band, but I'm pretty damn white. A lot of guys tease me about being ginger and I hated it as a child, but I love it now because I'm unique. I stick out in a crowd and I kind of like that. I like my eyes because they're as blue as my hair is orange. Blue is my favorite color. My jaw line is also quite well defined, which I didn't know was a thing anybody cared about until my ex told me (FOR THE FIRST TIME!) she thought it was hot while she was breaking up with me (I'll miss her inability to show affection most). I don't smoke or drink or have insane unprotected sex parties with strangers, so I feel like I'm a fairly healthy individual overall.


This might seem like an arrogant or pointless exercise at first, but I really enjoyed doing that. I urge everyone else to try it, even just on your own.

Edited by rjblak13
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Yay!! I love reading these!! Look what our exs are missing out on!! Fk them!

We need to read these about ourselves daily and add to them so we can walk in the works with the confidence we've given ourselves just right here in this thread!

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Is it bad that I instantly think that there is nothing amazing about me?


I like my intelligence and I am very good at reflecting my own actions and feelings and those of other people.

I love helping people and I think that is a good thing.


But I dislike my body. I have put on a lot of weight in the last two years and my ex said that I'm "gonna find someone who will love me. Someone who is less superficial" (clearly stating what is wrong with me).

So my ego is pretty low and it affects how I think about myself in general.

I see women who are selfish and downright crazy and I see amazing guys sticking with them (my best friend among them) and the only thing that is better about them is their body. So it feels like that is the only thing that really matters about who I am; at least to men.

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Is it bad that I instantly think that there is nothing amazing about me?


I like my intelligence and I am very good at reflecting my own actions and feelings and those of other people.

I love helping people and I think that is a good thing.


But I dislike my body. I have put on a lot of weight in the last two years and my ex said that I'm "gonna find someone who will love me. Someone who is less superficial" (clearly stating what is wrong with me).

So my ego is pretty low and it affects how I think about myself in general.

I see women who are selfish and downright crazy and I see amazing guys sticking with them (my best friend among them) and the only thing that is better about them is their body. So it feels like that is the only thing that really matters about who I am; at least to men.


Putting on weight does not mean you can't still be physically beautiful. Smile, eyes, hair, posture, clothing, and demeanor all play a factor in looks. There are girls who are skinny or have hour glass figures that I do not find attractive. Conversely, there are bigger girls who I find extremely attractive. It's all about confidence and presenting yourself as attractive. You might not bat a thousand (nobody does), but guys do and will find you very attractive, and the more confidence you have, the more who will.


Like me for instance. I have red hair. Most girls prefer a tan guy with dark hair. My ex even kind of made a face when I said "You know our kids would probably have red hair" when she told me she wanted to have my children some day. People send me links about why "Science proves red hair is less attractive." I used to be a ginger apologist, but I've decided to see it as an asset and something that makes me unique.


This exercise was about embracing who you are, not shaming yourself for who you are not. And honestly if your weight is bothering you, there are ways to lose some. It's not easy or fun for the first two or three weeks, but eventually you get used to the routine. I started when my ex left me, and I'm starting to see good results in my body and my confidence levels.


Also your ex sounds like an *******. You can do way better.

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Is it bad that I instantly think that there is nothing amazing about me?


No, it's not bad - it's realistic. "Amazing" is a very strong word. I reckon anyone who thinks they are amazing is delusional. I believe that we all have great qualities, but I'm not amazing and neither is anyone else.


That being said, the things I think I do well with.....


1. Mentally: Logic and precision are my strong points. My favourite hobby at present is making Victorian corsets - and the thing I love most about this is how it involves a high degree of creativity, logic and precision.


2. Emotionally: I am passionate about what I love, but I'm slow to anger. I try not to sweat the small stuff.


3. Physically: My body is capable of conception, pregnancy and birth. How cool is that!

Edited by basil67
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1.Mentally : I can understand what's going on around me,or what people think while doing something.This is my most obvious talent from birth.I can endure great pains mentally,though Im little bit shaken from my first break up.


2-Emotionally : I love my S/O without any question.I will do whatever I can,I will show my love no matter what.I am very loyal,NEVER EVER going to cheat on my S/O no matter what.


3-Physically : Women never find me attractive,at least I didnt get voice their desire to date me,never.But my friends and family finds me somewhat handsome(though,they are my family and friends,doesnt mean anything).Standing at 6'4 and going to gym for 1,5 years now.260 lbs to 215 lbs at %18 body fat(hello cardio!).My first and last girlfriend liked me because she was fan of vikings and I was like one of them with my beard and body lol.



So...Im going to talk about my bad behaviours.Im not going to past them,because they are who I am,or at least who I was since I changed ALOT.



1-Mentally : Im the MOST sceptical person I have ever known.I never trust somebody fully,not even my closest ones.And I made mistake by trusting my ex fully.Aaaand she dumped me out of the blue.


My anger was the reason for my break up.Though,its because I sensed my ex never fully loved me,instead used me as a ladder to climb little bit more.I sensed it because she gave me some signs(like...in our third month she said I dont like your nose,you can say it after years of relationship,but not in our third month.And after that,I was speaking to her about history(my hobby),she told me how boring I was while smiling,maybe these are little things that means nothing,but I sensed it.After the break up,she admitted that she didnt love me fullest so we broke up)


2-Emotionally : I had terrible childhood.I have some codependency issues.Thats why after 5 months of break up Im not still over her.


3-Physically : Im not handsome,lol.

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Mentally- I am a strong person. I don't let things get me down too much. Pull myself up from anything even if it does take me some time. I love myself.


Emotionally- I'm a caring person. It's who I am. Loyal to the ones I love. Once cross I do put the walls up and it can be hard to bring it down.


Physically- I may not be a 10 but I am happy the way I am. That is the most important thing.

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