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? on oral sex

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I've heard that is lethal if a pregnant woman get air in her vagina from oral sex because it can damage her baby. I'm not pregnant but my boyfriend likes to blow hot air on my vulva. can i get any type of damage through this? thanks .

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An awful lot of people blow a lot of hot air these days. You need to get used to it.


If they blow it in your vagina, enjoy it. It shouldn't cause any problems at all...just maybe make you look a little more chubby if they blow hard enough.(LOL)


A person would have to blow fiercely hard and over a good period of time to have any affect on a fetus. I don't think it can be done. Of course, I don't blow at anything very hard so maybe it's possible.


Sorry, I know I've said a mouthful here. I hope I didn't blow it for you. Enjoy!!!

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