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How do I know??

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How do I know if this guy likes me as more than a friend? I keep getting mixed signals and I am really driving myself crazy because I really like him. We talk everyday and go out about three times a week, thing is he hasn't tried to kiss me or anything. We hug and stuff, but that's as far as it goes. We are going to Mexico together just the two of us in May. I know the best way to know if he likes me as more is to ask him, but I guess I am afraid of rejection and that it would make our relationship weird after if he didn't and I don't want that. What can I do, please offer any help!!!



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Hi well i think you should ask him that is the best thing to do.Or ask a friend to question him and tell them how he feels about you.Does he have a girlfriend?And how long have you known him ?Well the best way to find out i think you should just ask him ,that is the best you can do.(((((((~o^_^0~)))))))))

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I know you are right...but that makes me SOOO nerveous! I really wish I would get a clear sign from him. He doesn't have a girlfriend and we have known each other since the end of October...

Hi well i think you should ask him that is the best thing to do.Or ask a friend to question him and tell them how he feels about you.Does he have a girlfriend?And how long have you known him ?Well the best way to find out i think you should just ask him ,that is the best you can do.(((((((~o^_^0~)))))))))
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I know you are right...but that makes me SOOO nerveous! I really wish I would get a clear sign from him. He doesn't have a girlfriend and we have known each other since the end of October...

Oh aight well if you know him for so long I think then you should relay ask him, Maybe he feels the same way about u and he is just 2 shy to tell you. If I seriously where you girl I would tell him that I care about him and just see what he is going to say u know. You cant miss an opportunity like that I had the same problem once and I did not tell the guy I care about him LOL now he has a girl and is w her. And now finally I found out he did care about me and I should have told him I liked him. I know it's hard to do it and u r nervous but just try it u know Give it a shot. I hope everything is going to be fine and he tells u how he feels .((((((~0^_^0~))))))).Oh and u said u where nervous no don't be (0_0)everything is gonna be fine just tell him or ask him questions about how he feels for you .


Well what did he do for you on valentines day lol? U know most guys that is just how they are u know always give us girls mixed messeges (oJo)

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