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Semi crush on an ex-coworker

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I just need to confess. My coworker left the company yesterday and now I feel like a little school girl with a crush on him *sigh* He's actually moving back to my home town, where I will be moving in a month or so. He hugged me goodbye yesterday and lifted me off the ground cos he's super tall. Now i'm all confused and have a crush on him lol *shakes head* He knows the pain i've gone through with my stbxh, and he's just been a really good friend. We dont have much in common, and dont really have that much chemistry, but he's cute. My mind is playing terrible tricks on me :love:

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Sleep on it... it'll wear off tomorrow. You're just caught up in the moment.


Unless the feelings persist... ;)

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eee hee hee hee!! :bunny:


yay! it's always fun to have a crush! :D


i had one of these before too where we didn't have much chemistry/anything in common, but he turned out to be a great friend and we still keep in touch! :laugh:

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Originally posted by westernxer

Sleep on it... it'll wear off tomorrow. You're just caught up in the moment.


Unless the feelings persist... ;)


lol they've been persisting for a few weeks, but on and off. Like one minute, he's just one of the guys, next he smiles at me weird. It's been 10 years since I was single and anyone flirted with me, so I'm a total noob again. My emotions are all out of wack. No wonder people tell me not to start dating for atleast a year lol.


Originally posted by beesknees

i had one of these before too where we didn't have much chemistry/anything in common, but he turned out to be a great friend and we still keep in touch! :laugh:


Yeah, he's been a really good friend. I hope we can stay in touch when I go back to the same city (it's a big city w/ lots of ppl).

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