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complicated situation with coworker...

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So there's this guy I work with (I know should have known better but...) anyways, he's super cute and nice and we're around the same age and have similar interests and our coworkers picked up on that and all kind of teased us/joking around that we should go out. So the whole time were working they're purposefully and not so subtly giving us alone time and making comments about us. We both took it in stride and just joke around back and even when we were alone we'd make some jokes about it.


Soon we ended up all going for drinks together as staff and let's just say I didn't make the best choices and ended up so drunk and vomitting. And a lot of this night is unclear but I somehow ended up in the bathtub with this cute boy vomitting into mixing bowl while he rubs my back. We also ended up making out quite a lot. So yada yada I end up getting his number and I text him the next day but his phone is broken and he ends up coming into work anyways and we both exchange words about how hungover we are. The next day he texts me and we meet up for a couple drinks and talk a chat for a few hours and then we go our separate ways, no hug, no kiss, no physical contact of any kind. But he did make cute references about doing things together in the future.


The next day he texts me in the evening and we chat a bit and we know we're seeing each other the next day because it's New Year's Eve and were meeting up at work for more staff drinks. So when we meet up we both end up getting pretty drunk but definitely in control this time and we go back to his house and obviously you all know what happens next. Now we're both away for two weeks and he had to catch a bus and I'm out of the country. I sent a text asking him how his busride was with a hangover but never got a reply and now it's 4 days later. I'm not sure to chalk it up to his phone is broken or he's not interested. Because his phone is actually broken and only sometimes works, it would spontaneously die or not let him send/receive texts and he was carrying around 2, one for the time and his other one in case it started working.


So I don't know if he's interested or was only interested in sex? I mean when I was drunk I definitely mentioned how attractive I thought he was and how much I enjoyed having sex with him, but he's given me no compliments. Just not sure what to think. I'm just a bit put off that I haven't gotten a message in 4 days and don't want to go a whole 14 without anything. I'll be seeing him at work when I get back, not sure if I should say anything



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I think it's too soon to know. Don't start overthinking things. Just keep your life going as usual and see if he contacts you when he gets back. I mean, it could have just been a one-nighter or not. It's too soon to expect any declaration from him. But if he is really super interested, he'd probably have found some way to touch base or will soon. Once he's back, if you don't hear from him personally, just move on. He should contact you personally, not just wait to see you at work if he's interested.

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