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need to choose

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I need help, soon. I have recently started dating someone that I find to be great, but I am faced with an old problem. I guess I should say old girlfriend. I love my old girlfriend more than anything in the world, but for 6 months we have been on and off. I keep trying and she keep leaving. The worst part is that while I was giving my all to fix things she decided to date someone else. During the 6 months I dated also, but not by choice. Everytime she wanted to fix things I tried. I am having a hard time dealing with the knowing that she had to try something else to realize how much I meant. The problem is that she is doing everything right this time and now I have to choose between her and my new girlfriend. I like the new one alot, but I still love the old one. I'm just not sure if I will ever get over the past. If you can help me out, then please do.

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Your ex girlfriend clearly jerked you around big time and is very likely to do it again. By taking her back, you send a clear message that she can dump on you anytime and you'll just welcome her back with open arms.


Let go of your ex and give your energy to this new, fresh relationship...with someone who will put you number one and treat you with respect and loyalty.


You were having a lot of problems in your old relationship so there was a compelling reason it ended. Why do you want to go back to something that needs a whole lot of fixing? It really doesn't make a lot of sense. It takes a whole lot more than love to make a fulfilling relationship.

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