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Ex got married, but still calls me

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My ex who still callls me, just informed me that he got married a month ago to a girl he has only known for two months. He asked me to go away with him this weekend. What is wrong with this guy? And yes, I still love him.

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Originally posted by LJones9900

My ex who still calls me, just informed me that he got married a month ago to a girl he has only known for two months. He asked me to go away with him this weekend. And yes, I still love him.


What is wrong with this guy? What's wrong with YOU? Are you seriously considering going away with him? It doesn't matter if you still love him. He's is a married man now. He wants to keep you for sex. Wake up. He didn't marry you. He is with her. Stop talking to him and find your own man.



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Thank you. I absolutely would never go anywhere with him. I have values. Remember he is the one calling me, I do not EVER call him.

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Well, you can simply stop the contact. No need to be 'friends' with someone who would ask something that selfish of you. If he tries to call you again, hang up on him and block his numbers - delete his emails unread, and if he mails anything to you mark it 'return to sender' and drop it back into the mail. Eventually he'll get the hint.

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I am still going through the shock of him getting married. I really feel sorry for his new wife. I am sure that she has no idea what she has gotten herself into. I will NEVER be a doormat, I just said that I still do love him. This I cannot help.

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It's possible he's doing it to get back at you, especially if he hasn't known her long.


It happens...

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I can understand the shock. If you do continue to communicate with him it will only demoralize you, in time. He picked her to be his wife but wants to mess around with you. Love or no love. Move on, go date some great single guys. The rate he is going he will be divorced in a year or so.......maybe by then you can be happy with a nice, decent human being.


I would be willing to bet that if YOU told him to stop calling you, he would. I wouldnt think having to change your cell number or block is needed, if you get your point across that you are totally not interested in his offer and in his life, at this point. If this guy is willing to cheat on his new wife he would cheat on anyone, take that to heart and run fast with it.


There is probably a reason you are NOt with him...perhaps he is not good enough?

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Do you know what? I actuallly let him talk me into coming down there. I was driving, and started thinking about all of the ****ty things that he has done to me. I started thinking, What in the world am I doing? I did a U turn, and came back home. He is still sitting in North Carolina waiting for me. I feel so good. I made the right decision. He is out of my life forever. Maybe I needed a car ride and some thinking to make this final desicion for myself. I haven't felt this content for a couple of weeks! What a loser. And I was willing to degrade myself and go all the way down there for him. But I didn't do it!

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Good for you. This man really sounds like a jerk. And a screwed up jerk at that. You made the right decision. I hope you do not back slide on this. If you do and you sleep with him, you will feel used and abused. You will feel totally empty. He is only playing on your emotions right now. Im sure he knows how you feel. So he will take advantage of you, or try to. Be strong. You are way too good to be treated 2nd best.

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Thank you so much. This is such a long story. I have only hit the highlights, of course. But a total of three years. He started out married to anotherr woman, and divorced her for me ( so he says) all while lying to me about being separated. we broke up, HE has stayed in touch after we broke up two years ago, and he just married a woman he has known for 2 months on April 2nd. Yes, definitely a majorly messed up man! You are very sweet and supportive. Some guy is very lucky! (or should be)

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I have been around the block with the best of the best of cheating men. It took me a couple of years of being alone to come to the conclusion that these men are not worth our hearts. It is not easy staying away from someone you have feelings for. But the one thing you have to do, at some point in your life, is putting yourself first. Knowing that a particular person is BAD for you and staying away from that person. No matter how you love them and how much you are attracted to them. You have to decide that you can not and will not be treated poorly. There are many wonderful men out there, single and that have their heads on straight.


I walked away from who I thought was my soulmate, after he cheated on me . It was the hardest thing I could imagine doing. BUT.....he wasnt good for me. He didnt love and respect me. If he wasnt going to do it I had to.



Do not let yourself get involved with someone that wants to bring you down. Stay away from that man. He has issues and in the end will only mess you up.


Now go join an online dating site, and find a real man!



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So you learned long ago that this guy was a lying swine. He was having an affair on his poor wife, with you. Now he's married someone and is trying to hook up with you. May God help his new wife because she's sure in for a world of hurt.

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