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Met a stranger at a club. Help!


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On November , 28th 2015. I went out to this club with my two cousins , while I was there I happened to exchange eye contact with a stranger, not the regular ,"glance". It was more intense . It was like I could see into his soul and he could see through mines , we literally stared at each other the whole night , then as I was getting ready to leave he grabbed me and was like , " My name is _____( I can't remember what he said) and he was like , "You're so beautiful , I graduate in two weeks ..." and I was like ,"I'm sorry I have to go "( there was people standing around and i didn't want to seem awkward . I wanted to give him my number so bad ) and then I proceeded to leave with my cousins. When I got home I felt embarrassed and sad and couldn't get him out of my mind it's like I felt so warm and comfortable in his arms ( I usually don't considering the fact he was a COMPLETE STRANGER) , I even tried to find him on social media. Well two weeks ago a club promoter friend of mind posted pictures of some Club pics from the night before and I saw him in the pics! !!! I was so excited but his name wasn't tagged so I was unable to contact him then , one night I posted a random status and someone that's friends with him liked it , I went through the friend's pics and saw him but he wasn't tagged again which leads me to believe he does not have any profiles on social media I really want to find him , I know I turned him down but there is just something drawing me back to that night when I saw him. Not to sound cliché or anything , but I think that may have been my soul mate . I'm a very socially awkward person and have struggled with social anxieties for a while. .... PLEASE HELP .WHAT SHOULD I DO ?

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"You're so beautiful , I graduate in two weeks ..." I'm more curious about where that sentence was going... ???


Ask the guy who is friends with that guy. He might be on social media, but just has high privacy settings.

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"You're so beautiful , I graduate in two weeks ..." I'm more curious about where that sentence was going... ???


Ask the guy who is friends with that guy. He might be on social media, but just has high privacy settings.

I was curious as well that's one of the reasons why I brushed him off , but I immediately felt bad afterwards because of the fact that I was literally sending him signals to approach me and when he did, I embarrassed him in front of the whole Club.

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, but I think that may have been my soul mate . I'm a very socially awkward person and have struggled with social anxieties for a while. .... PLEASE HELP .WHAT SHOULD I DO ?



What you should do is calm down.



You did not embarrass him in front of the whole club. No one else even notice what transpired between you two. Your own social anxiety is projecting that people are paying attention to you; they're not. Most people are too caught up in their own world to notice anybody else. All those people you think were paying attention to you were probably on their phones.



A few glances across a club does not a lifetime commitment make. This is life not an rom-com. You know absolutely nothing about this man.



However, you do seem to have a few connections so odds are you will run into him again. Talk to the mutual friend & find out when & where the two of them are going out again. Grab your cousins & show up. Talk to him there.

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