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snootchie bootchie

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strange love

Ok well time for an update. Sigh sigh


Im fairly busy at the shop.. And its stressful at times. I guess im so swamped that I dont have time to reflect upon those things that make me sad.


Its around 11 right now.. I should have been up at 6 or something early like that doing repairs, and quite honestly I just feel like going back to sleep or going for a long long bike ride.

I was watching some pretentious geeky looking cyclists staring in the window earlier. I was thinking I should exit the shop with my really cool bike to see the looks on thier faces, a couple of the geek girls look cute.. oh well im not geeky enough.


Tried dating then I got frustrated, I feel like im speaking a foriegn language. Every time you mention meeting ots like oh im not ready.. Um ok why are you even on a dating site. See you actually have to go on a date.. whatever..


In regards to the ex. I pretty much deleted my whole MSN list including her and that was my main source of contact. She hasnt shown up. I started hanging out with my young polish female friend, whom I awlays have accidental romantic interludes with.

One such interlude we ended up on her couch watching NICK CAVE videos, one song really reminded of me of my ex. I was looking over at my polish friend passed out on the couch tempted to snuggle up with her and thinking of my ex.


So I ended up writing an email to the ex and sending an MPG of the song. I havent had any emaild from her but someone from a private number has been calling me weird hours just like she would do. I guess this has happened 3 or 4 times this week.


Oh well thats it for now. Im starved. My hairs a mess. The work is piled high. I need to do something about this mountain of bikes, like uh sell some.



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What the hell is snootchie bootchie?


Won't see that in a Nick Cave video.

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strange love

So thats all I get is

"what is snootchie bootchie"




I guess this damn site is my blog. Its really hot out today, I keep checking this one free dating site im and no messages.


Im not sure if that means I end up back with my ex or im destined to be alone for the rest of my life.


I tried to get naked news to do a story on my shop and they werent interested so im kind of ticked off at that.


Life is tough I guess, im all alone. When I first posted on here I never thought my ex would contact me and she did and then I had hope we might get back together and it really only seemed to become a headache.


I dont really feel like working right now thats why im typing here. Its really hot outside.


I wish I was smile or universe I actually got to hang out with my ex. I guess we all have our challenges in life. For example as I sit and write this theres two kids who are actually trying to figure out when my shop is open... It must be a real triumph when they finally catch the door open.


I cant help but feeling very depressed, sure im busy. But I feel frightened at facing the idea of facing the rest of my life alone.


oh well

snatchie batchie

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