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How do I find courage to tell my friend how I feel?

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O.k. so there's this girl and we have been friends for some time now and I have fallen head over heals for her, the only problem is I can't get up the courage to tell her how I feel. Please Help!

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Too late for that.


You're her friend now, a friend for life.


Better start liking someone else.

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Originally posted by CCFreeman

O.k. so there's this girl and we have been friends for some time now and I have fallen head over heals for her, the only problem is I can't get up the courage to tell her how I feel. Please Help!


Does she show you any of the same feelings? It is a gamble and if you put yourself out there your friendship might suffer. On the other hand, can you really leave it as it is ( just being friends )? You need to make that decision. The only way you will know is to ask her. Make the right decision for you ( not her ).



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you're already in the "friends zone" which is not unlike the "twilight zone". Both "zones" have wierd things going on in them and are hard to get out of.

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and dont wait till she has a bf to tell her how you feel. I had like 3 different guy friends tell me they liked me AFTER I got a bf. I had no clue, was totally shocked, and it pretty much destroyed our friendship because I had a bf, what else was I suppose to do?!

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Hi CCFreeman,


Everyone here has made a good point. If you believe that it is worth the gamble, then go for it my friend. Life is all about risks. You also need to prepare yourself for either outcome. If she says no, will you be able to still go on being her friend. You need to ask yourself that by her saying no, will it end your friendship for good. Those are risks that you must consider very carefully.


If you want to chance it, but don't know what or how to say what you want to say? For starters, I would write down on a sheet of paper what exactly you want to say to her or at least write the main points down. If you find this uncomfortable, look in the mirror and say out loud what you want to say to her.


Good luck my friend and may the force be with you.

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Thanks for all your great advice, (especially you The Riddler) I've made up my mind and i'm going to tell her, it won't be easy but it's the best thing for me to do. Wish me luck!

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Depends what signals are you getting from her? If absolutlely nothing then perhaps start flirting a little and see if she reciprocates, then take it from there.

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Originally posted by CCFreeman

Thanks for all your great advice, (especially you The Riddler) I've made up my mind and i'm going to tell her, it won't be easy but it's the best thing for me to do. Wish me luck!


Your welcome.


Good luck, and I hope for the best.

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There are two sorts of 'friends'; the sort you can't imagine seeing yourself in any other sort of relationship with and the sort you can. The only way to find out which category you're in is to find out. Don't believe 'once a friend, always a friend'; many of the very best marriages have taken place between folks who started out as friends.

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Thanks for all your great advice, (especially you The Riddler) I've made up my mind and i'm going to tell her, it won't be easy but it's the best thing for me to do. Wish me luck!


How did things go, CCFreeman?

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