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Scared of having a relationship

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I am not sure how to say this without being judgmental or being pessimistic but, I wanted to have a relationship with someone (I am gay by the way) but I am scared of all the drama that comes along with it. I mean, I am afraid, to be cheated on, to be replaced etc etc. Since, even this forum is a proof that there's always going to be cheating and lies and deceits to all the promises and love that a relationship brings.


Is it still worth it nowadays to hope to find someone who'll be faithful and true to you? Or am I just dreaming about it and just forget it altogether? I am just sad and pissed and angry at how our society has come into....

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A pre-screening process is important. Set out to find somebody with similar values regarding fidelity. Don't give your heart away to the 1st pretty face. Make sure they are a quality person. Have interests in common outside of the bedroom.

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Yes but what you will never see posting here are successful relationships because there is no point to. So you seriously can't use this site as proof that most relationships are full of cheating and bad things, that's just not true.


Playing factors to successful relationships is, making the right choice by using good judgement, communication, self worth, self esteem, following your expectations, being honest with yourself, and know when to speak up or get out before it becomes a bad relationship. In other words you need to own some of that responsibility.

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You just illustrated a potential downside of this site...it does make you really think everyone cheats and lies. On the other hand eventually you have to take that risk if you want anything more then a casual relationship.

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Yes it is worth it. And sure, in all likelihood you will be dumped at some point in your romantic life and it will hurt. It won't even necessarily be as a result of cheating, lying, or the like. But finding love is wonderful and well worth the risk of a few bumps along the way.

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The thing is you need to accept and move on when you KNOW you are not being treated the way you want to be treated. Stop having to constantly convince yourself you can make this work when nothing is working.

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