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My dance partner's probably getting a job in LA, so he won't be in my city even after the summer... =( ...


Just complaining...


Has anyone ever looked for just a dance partner? Is that possible to find at a club?... Any other ideas?


Thanks guys...

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You are looking for a dance partner? A guy?


Yeah, you can find a dance partner, only a dance partner, bu t he has to be gay, otherwise, he would start hitting on you, and your boyfriend would not like that very much. I assume you have a boyfriend, from your previous posts. Now, if you want a girl partner, you can hook up with bunch of club kids in a clun, and groove! Happy clubbing, BTW, where are you from. I live in New York City, we have a good club scene here



My dance partner's probably getting a job in LA, so he won't be in my city even after the summer... =( ... Just complaining... Has anyone ever looked for just a dance partner? Is that possible to find at a club?... Any other ideas? Thanks guys...
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Hey Justagirl


Sorry about the bad news :(


But if you are in NYC, I'll dance with you!!! :)



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Just kidding, but there's a really great club scene out here! What kind of dancing do you do? (i.e. just general club dancing or something fancy?) If it's something fancy like salsa or whatever, you can probably find someone at the 'local' hangout for that kind of dancing. If it's club, the problem is that any guy you start dancing with will think you want to get up on them. (From experience, at least here in Hell-Ay.) Could be hard unless you know them as friends first and they know you have a boyfriend and all that. That's a hard one...but I wish you the best of luck.

My dance partner's probably getting a job in LA, so he won't be in my city even after the summer... =( ... Just complaining... Has anyone ever looked for just a dance partner? Is that possible to find at a club?... Any other ideas? Thanks guys...
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Yes, it is salsa, that's why I need a more or less constant partner to practice with and stuff...


There are still chances that he won't go, but they're slim...


It is not bad though, in a way, b/c I tend to get very attached to him, and it does overall get in the way of me & my bf... but i just loooove salsa! =)


Hope u'r having dance fun too =)



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I know out here most of the salsa clubs have 'lesson' nights, where for an hour or so they teach people how to salsa. Often at those types of events there are people looking for steady partners. (At least here.) You might want to check that out. You might be more experienced than they are at first, but you can always teach them some moves. They'll catch up eventually. Who knows? Or, you could try to convince your boyfriend to attend one of those nights to get him into it. You guys could have a lot of fun. Has he ever tried it? Sometimes it's funny the things we think we don't like until we try...

Haha... Yes, it is salsa, that's why I need a more or less constant partner to practice with and stuff... There are still chances that he won't go, but they're slim... It is not bad though, in a way, b/c I tend to get very attached to him, and it does overall get in the way of me & my bf... but i just loooove salsa! =) Hope u'r having dance fun too =) Cyas
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