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I think I love her, but...

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I posted a few days ago about not being able to imagine myself in a relationship with my friens, whose looks I did not really like. I know I am superficial, but for the past week, something has gotten inside me and does not want to leave me. For the first time in my life, I am attracted to a girl, with not so great looks. None of my friends like her looks, I used to date good looking girls, but I don't know what to do. You see everyone around me, including my parents, judge my girls based on looks. I know it's none of their business, but I do have feelings for my friend. After all, she has been really warm and kind with me lately, she is a very nice person, we get each other very well. But I can not put up with people around me telling me "you can do better than that , Lucas " crap.


What do I do, I really want to give it a chance, and see, whether I am capable of truly loving someone and being a part of a beautiful relationship, which is based on far more than looks, and great sex.


I just hate to be looked down by my friends, and my parents would really think that I went crazy. She, my friend, is of another religion and nationality. I dont care, but everyone around me care.

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To hell with all the superficial idiots around you. They aren't living your life, you are. YOU are the one who has to be happy in a relationship, not them.


You may have come of age as well. Loving someone has a whole lot more to do with things other than looks. I am proud that you have come to see that.


In the long run, you will thank your lucky stars for what has happened to you. Not only have you found love, but you won't have to worry about every man on the planet making a play for her based on her looks.


As I told you before, the most beautiful woman in the world can become the ugliest if you get to know her and she acts like a bxtch and treats you that way. There is no substitute for a wonderful person who treats you well and you will be happy all the days of your life.


You have a lot of truly wretched friends and relatives. Are they all beautiful??? If they aren't, disown all of them who aren't and give them some of their own medicine.


Hold on to this girl and treat her well.

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Do what you feel is right.


I don't think anyone will comment on her looks, but if they do they are insulting both you and her. Treat superficial people in a superficial way and they cannot harm you.


The BEST relationships are those with love and caring...the warm feelings that take over you and last, and lifts your well being.

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You can't please all the people all the time.


WHY would you try to please these judgemental, superficial, inconsiderate, and nosy jerks rather than this girl, who may be the most special person you have met and might ever meet?


Why? Why? Why?


Read below to remind you of what you said:


"Something has gotten inside me and does not want to leave me"


"I know it's none of their business"


"I do have feelings for my friend"


"she has been really warm and kind with me lately"


"she is a very nice person"


"we get each other very well"


"She, my friend, is of another religion and nationality. I dont care"


"I really want to give it a chance, and see, whether I am capable of truly loving someone and being a part of a beautiful relationship, which is based on far more than looks, and great sex."


So what are you waiting for? Give it a chance!

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I have totally been there. Dated this fabulous guy, best personality in the world. We had different religeous beliefs and I didn't find him attractive. It didn't work out. I couldn't get over the fact that I wanted a man who I thought was better looking. The religeon thing maybe could have been worked out, if one of you don't have strong affilations to your own faith. Me and this guy both felt strongly about our personal faiths. This was destined to fail. About the family friends, I'd like to say follow your heart, but I know I love nad respect my friends/family too much to not care about their opinion. Sometimes the ones we love know us best :) Good luck, have great sex, don't take it too seriously (that's my advice).

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don't let what other people get in the way of it. Looks aren't everything. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Would you rather be with a beautiful woman whom you don't care for just to appease your friends and family? You could wind up letting something go that could be the best relationship of your life. If this girl is someone you want to be with, everyone will have to learn to accept it. They should respect your choice of a partner. If you are happy, that is all that matters. Follow your heart.

I posted a few days ago about not being able to imagine myself in a relationship with my friens, whose looks I did not really like. I know I am superficial, but for the past week, something has gotten inside me and does not want to leave me. For the first time in my life, I am attracted to a girl, with not so great looks. None of my friends like her looks, I used to date good looking girls, but I don't know what to do. You see everyone around me, including my parents, judge my girls based on looks. I know it's none of their business, but I do have feelings for my friend. After all, she has been really warm and kind with me lately, she is a very nice person, we get each other very well. But I can not put up with people around me telling me "you can do better than that , Lucas " crap. What do I do, I really want to give it a chance, and see, whether I am capable of truly loving someone and being a part of a beautiful relationship, which is based on far more than looks, and great sex. I just hate to be looked down by my friends, and my parents would really think that I went crazy. She, my friend, is of another religion and nationality. I dont care, but everyone around me care.
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